Mallala Trackdays



Original Poster:

130 posts

259 months

Thursday 10th March 2005
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I know a few people are from Adelaide and just wondered if you had participated in the practice/track days they run. I understand the cost is $70 and you need to wear a helmet.

Has anyone done a trackday there recently?


39 posts

245 months

Friday 11th March 2005
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I did one about a year ago. You book the track privately for a day for a fixed price which includes one track marshal, an ambulance crew and a daily CAMS licence with insurance cover.

I seem to remember there were about 13 or 15 of us, which made it $250 each.

You need a helmet, and a designated individual in each group is made responsible for ensuring all cars pass scrutineering ie no worn tyres or oil leaks.

That's about the size of it. Great fun and well worth it once or twice a year.