Events and Car Forums in Australia?

Events and Car Forums in Australia?



Original Poster:

15,902 posts

249 months

Tuesday 15th February 2005
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Does anyone know of any forums based in Australia with details of meetings and events out there? I guess I am looking for a kind of Aussie pistonheads as it were!

I am moving out to Sydney in July for 6 months and wouldn't like to fall out of the automotive loop as it were!

I've heard about a few car events, the Ferrari Concourse in Sydney in August and AutoItalia in March. Does anyone know of anymore?


Stin Hambo

627 posts

245 months

Wednesday 16th February 2005
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Telstra Rally?

Melbourne Car Show as well I think...


77 posts

237 months

Saturday 12th March 2005
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The 'Sporting Car Club of South Australia' has just started up a brand new forum. It caters for all. Young and old people, classic, vintage and sports cars. It's very new and as such only has a handful of members. This will no doubt grow rapidly as the word spreads.

Sorry - haven't found any in NSW / VIC