PHers in Syndey (and NSW!)

PHers in Syndey (and NSW!)



Original Poster:

15,902 posts

249 months

Sunday 2nd January 2005
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If all goes to plan, I will be moving to Sydney in July for a university course exchange and studying at the Uni of New South Wales.

Are there any PHers in the Sydney area and are there any meets/ drive outs etc that you guys have?

I would like to keep up with the PH spirit while I am out in Syndey and meet up with some PHers.



7,120 posts

250 months

Monday 3rd January 2005
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Don't think there's too many of us in Sydney - but there are several meets just depends what you're into.

UNSW has a good rep from what I hear - doing anything automotive perchance??


Original Poster:

15,902 posts

249 months

Monday 3rd January 2005
quotequote all
well, not automotive, Geography actually so no where near!!!
just sent off my forms so hopefully I will get on the course and be in Syndey by July!


Original Poster:

15,902 posts

249 months

Tuesday 15th February 2005
quotequote all
I have just got the papers back and I am on the course at UNSW!

Now to think of the important things: Car Meets!!

Are there any car meets that you guys would recommend going to? I would love to meet some like minded enthusiasts and see some nice cars when I am out in Australia.
