Diesels? In Oz??



Original Poster:

7,120 posts

250 months

Tuesday 7th December 2004
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There's a General Gassing thread at the mo about TDi & 6-speed boxes in the UK - but what about using them in Australia? I know BMW, Audi, VW and Merc are bringing in new Diesels but will the market work here in the same way as in Europe?

I've spoken to many Aussies about Diesels and they are all of the opinion that they wouldn't be as good as a Falcon or a Commodore - but what about a Diesel Falcon, with the new Ford/Jag engine?

Or is this a step too far in a place like this?


710 posts

268 months

Thursday 9th December 2004
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diesels have a rep for being smelly and noisy and slow so can't see them becoming popular.

I certainly wouldn't buy one

stin hambo

627 posts

245 months

Friday 10th December 2004
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I just arrived in Perth yesterday and after hearing a Monaro pulling away; I wouldn't buy a diesel either!


710 posts

268 months

Friday 10th December 2004
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welcome to Oz Stin

good time to be here but be prepared for some stinking hot weather

stin hambo

627 posts

245 months

Friday 10th December 2004
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Yeah tell me about it! 38 degrees C when I arrived.

Oh yes and all I had was a pair of jeans and a shirt so not the best clothes to wear... Doh!