Murry Carter racing ?

Murry Carter racing ?



Original Poster:

785 posts

244 months

Monday 15th November 2004
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Can one of you nice Ozzies help?
We have one of his engines in a car over here in NZ.
I've tried Googling etc,but can't find his contact details any where.
If any one knows could they please drop me a line via my profile.
Thanks in advance.

Edited to say i've spelt Murray wrong

>>> Edited by nztrev on Monday 15th November 05:59


710 posts

268 months

Monday 15th November 2004
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couldn't find Murray's phone number but his son Bill should know where to find him and he has a website :

and there is a pdf file with Bill's number (03) 5987 1514

hope that helps, it was harder to find than I thought, I tried but too many Carters


Original Poster:

785 posts

244 months

Monday 15th November 2004
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Thanks for that mate
I take back everything Ive ever said against Ausies,even if you have to win the cricket bowling underarm.


710 posts

268 months

Friday 19th November 2004
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hold it !

Are you Trev, as in Trevor Chappell

We always help our brethren across the river out, it's just we like beating you in sport

What are you guys up to ?

Trying to rebuild one of Murray's cars or what ?


Original Poster:

785 posts

244 months

Monday 22nd November 2004
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Hi 308

A friend has just shipped over a racing TVR Chimaera from Aus,its apparently got one of Murray's old Corvette LS1 engine's installed and we were wanting a bit more info on it.It should be one quick car when it hits the tarmac soon.


712 posts

279 months

Thursday 25th November 2004
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It will probably be quicker than a NZ test side innings


710 posts

268 months

Saturday 27th November 2004
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nothing is quicker than a kiwi innings

Still, they did restrict us to under 600 runs today, but that was because McGrath didn't get to bat


712 posts

279 months

Saturday 27th November 2004
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Yes indeed 308,
I was filled with pride at the generosity of spirit of our great captain when he declared the innings before the Kiwis were humiliated by the exaquisite stroke-play and flashing blade of our number 11.


710 posts

268 months

Sunday 28th November 2004
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I'll bet McGrath was pi55ed off

Today's innings by our brethren across the river is not too exciting either

I expected more fight then this and I missed all the wickets while I was pulling the gt4 apart (I hate pulling cars apart )


712 posts

279 months

Sunday 28th November 2004
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Pulling the gt4 apart. That wouldn't be a chore but a relative pleasure, I'd have thought.
In the sense, of course, that it would be a pleasure to work on a fine motor, rather than something pedestrian.
For what reason is this surgery?


710 posts

268 months

Monday 29th November 2004
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this ain't surgery dude, this a burial

I rolled her 8 months ago and she nearly killed me

Written off by the insurance company and I'm parting her out as I spent the last 6 years rebuilding her and now that she was perfect I roll her !

Know anyone who wants to buy a 308 engine ?

Going on Ebay shortly along with all the new suspension parts, and assorted paraphenalia