Who would you vote for in the Australian election?

Who would you vote for in the Australian election?

Poll: Who would you vote for in the Australian election?

Total Members Polled: 26

Rudd: 4%
Abbot: 77%
Other: 19%


Original Poster:

5,671 posts

224 months

Tuesday 20th August 2013
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I'm interested to see how people here would vote in the upcoming election - Given many of us cant actually cast a vote in the "real" election, lets have our own. It'll be interesting to see if the UK PH anti-Labour stance follows over to Australia.


2,186 posts

239 months

Tuesday 20th August 2013
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Neither because I don't live in their electorates.

I will vote form my preferred local candidate.

Which ever team wins it will be the choice of the majority of Australians ( probably by a small margin ) who put them there and just under 50% of the population will feel hard done by.


14,306 posts

221 months

Wednesday 21st August 2013
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I wish it had said Liberal or Labor, not Rudd or Abbott.

I'm voting Liberal but I don't like either and hope Abbott gets removed shortly after.

As a leader both are incompetent but as a party Liberal are much more palatable than Labor,


3,733 posts

215 months

Wednesday 21st August 2013
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I think the WA elections a few months back showed that it was very Liberal in the West.

QLD went the same way.

I can't see that changing, and i can see other states joining in.

I'll be voting Lib, despite Abbot.


4,223 posts

205 months

Wednesday 21st August 2013
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That is a hard one - I went for Tony.

I haven't noticed the Carbon Tax, but will notice the changes to FBT if Labor get in - I'll lose both my company cars.

On the other hand, Labor have promised funding for the automotive industry, whereas the Liberals seem intent on cutting it, although I don't believe they would want to kill a whole industry. So my job is marginally less secure if Tony gets in.

The clincher for me is that KRudd, while preferable to Gillard, really gives me the sh!ts.


138 posts

134 months

Thursday 22nd August 2013
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I still have not decided how I am going to vote. I live in the Brand electorate (Labor) and Gary Gray does do a good job for us so I don't really want to lose him and our Liberal candidate comes across as a ditzy, suburbanite, mother of 4 that appears in hysterical adverts about germ protection...I guess that forces my hand?!

WA also only has 7 registered parties (Vic has 10 for example) so my choices for Independent are also limited.


13,553 posts

210 months

Thursday 22nd August 2013
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Probably just draw a gigantic cock on my ballot.

I'll do it properly, below the line, in the senate, but don't want any of them as my local member. My local labor member is silent. The liberal candidate has photoshopped twenty years and twenty kgs off her campaign photos, yet is campaigning on a policy of "honesty". The greens are nuts. Socialist Alliance is nuts. Clive Palmer is in it for the best interest of Clive Palmer and has nothing resembling costed policies.


5,005 posts

222 months

Friday 23rd August 2013
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Colonial said:
Probably just draw a gigantic cock on my ballot.

I'll do it properly, below the line, in the senate, but don't want any of them as my local member. My local labor member is silent. The liberal candidate has photoshopped twenty years and twenty kgs off her campaign photos, yet is campaigning on a policy of "honesty". The greens are nuts. Socialist Alliance is nuts. Clive Palmer is in it for the best interest of Clive Palmer and has nothing resembling costed policies.
Yay for anarchy!!11eleven!

I'm embarrased to admit I was possibly just as misguided before I grew up, and golly, you couldn't possibly vote for an older, heavier woman, even if she supports the best policies...

We really need a proper LNP government, unhindered by fkwits like the watermelon party, to bring us back on track.

Unfortunately I'm hearing a lot of "new voters" who think the NBN is the critical issue "coz I can download lots of mooveez innit" FFS I despair


13,553 posts

210 months

Friday 23rd August 2013
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madazrx7 said:
Yay for anarchy!!11eleven!

I'm embarrased to admit I was possibly just as misguided before I grew up, and golly, you couldn't possibly vote for an older, heavier woman, even if she supports the best policies...

We really need a proper LNP government, unhindered by fkwits like the watermelon party, to bring us back on track.

Unfortunately I'm hearing a lot of "new voters" who think the NBN is the critical issue "coz I can download lots of mooveez innit" FFS I despair
Awesome. Let's vote for the liars. They promise us more !!!111!!!


2,186 posts

239 months

Friday 23rd August 2013
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madazrx7 said:
Yay for anarchy!!11eleven!

I'm embarrased to admit I was possibly just as misguided before I grew up, and golly, you couldn't possibly vote for an older, heavier woman, even if she supports the best policies...

We really need a proper LNP government, unhindered by fkwits like the watermelon party, to bring us back on track.

Unfortunately I'm hearing a lot of "new voters" who think the NBN is the critical issue "coz I can download lots of mooveez innit" FFS I despair
I have the ability to work from home once or more a week and currently have 10Mb cable and I'm here to tell you it's painfully slow when I try to push work related files around, for standard def movies and clips it's fine.

Build a bridge over your slim argument, Rupert doesn't want a decent NBN because of the competition it will offer to his Foxtel.

Personally I couldn't give a st about who wins if they are prepared to do something for the whole country and enable rather than hobble the future of enterprise in Australia. Fiddling around wit p155 ant tax breaks won't do it.

Guess that means the LNP are not my preferred party at the moment, if Turnbull was at the helm there would be no NBN argument at all because he knows FTN and mobile data is a dog with a serious flea problem


2,073 posts

226 months

Friday 23rd August 2013
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suthol said:
I have the ability to work from home once or more a week and currently have 10Mb cable and I'm here to tell you it's painfully slow when I try to push work related files around, for standard def movies and clips it's fine.

Build a bridge over your slim argument, Rupert doesn't want a decent NBN because of the competition it will offer to his Foxtel.

Personally I couldn't give a st about who wins if they are prepared to do something for the whole country and enable rather than hobble the future of enterprise in Australia. Fiddling around wit p155 ant tax breaks won't do it.

Guess that means the LNP are not my preferred party at the moment, if Turnbull was at the helm there would be no NBN argument at all because he knows FTN and mobile data is a dog with a serious flea problem
Sorry Suthol, I am not very interested in seeing the country waste what looks like being 70 billion plus, so that a very few can work from home one day a week. For those who want to run a business, pick up your own costs, don't expect the average punter to pay your way for you.

There are plenty of places where you can get the speed you desire, move to one if you want it. We already have this fiber past many ordinary domestic residences, & the take up rate is so small as to be vanishing. We peasants don't need it or want it, & most definitely don't want to pay for it, just to subsidies you, or others who want to work in their pajamas.

Your mate Turnbull has proved himself to be an incompetent leader, & is pretty much a Rudd clone. We don't want him either. He comes with windmills attached. We have seen how stupid they are, in Germany & the UK among others.

We have been a bit lucky so far, in not following the wave of global warming stupidity that has engulfed the western world too closely. The last thing we need now is to pick it up, just as even the Germans are trying to get out. That would be like boarding a sinking ship, just as everyone else abandoned it.


2,186 posts

239 months

Friday 23rd August 2013
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Hasbeen said:
Sorry Suthol, I am not very interested in seeing the country waste what looks like being 70 billion plus, so that a very few can work from home one day a week. For those who want to run a business, pick up your own costs, don't expect the average punter to pay your way for you.

There are plenty of places where you can get the speed you desire, move to one if you want it. We already have this fiber past many ordinary domestic residences, & the take up rate is so small as to be vanishing. We peasants don't need it or want it, & most definitely don't want to pay for it, just to subsidies you, or others who want to work in their pajamas.

Your mate Turnbull has proved himself to be an incompetent leader, & is pretty much a Rudd clone. We don't want him either. He comes with windmills attached. We have seen how stupid they are, in Germany & the UK among others.

We have been a bit lucky so far, in not following the wave of global warming stupidity that has engulfed the western world too closely. The last thing we need now is to pick it up, just as even the Germans are trying to get out. That would be like boarding a sinking ship, just as everyone else abandoned it.
Ah the arguments of the luddite.

I have a mech engineer mate in the car club who has to rent office space on the Sunny Coast because he can't get reasonable broadband at home and an architect friend in Brisbane who has to do the same for the same reason.

Both one person businesses who are wasting money in rental and fuel, not to mention time and pollution sitting in traffic.

There must be thousands across the country ( including some on this forum I can think of ) who have this same problem and it certainly affects their bottom line.

QLD was banjo playing territory when I lived there through the 1950's looks like nothing has changed wink


7,025 posts

247 months

Saturday 24th August 2013
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Can't see that who I vote for will make much difference - Abbott's my local MP. Best I can do is a protest vote - need to be careful I don't encourage any proper nutcases though...

Couldn't vote for Labour after the shenanigans of the past few years, and Rudd gets right on my thrupennies.


2,073 posts

226 months

Saturday 24th August 2013
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What else would I expect from a luddite Suthol, than an expectation that those who want something should pay for it.

You seem to think all of us should contribute to your bottom line. I don't recall asking you to contribute to my bottom line, why the hell do you expect me to contribute to yours. If you have picked a bad business model for where you have chosen to live, that's your problem.

I suppose you & your mates would agree to heating the Cooma area, so I could start a hibiscus nursery there. Your demand is as self-seeking as that, & equally extravagant.

I have no interest in pensioners & check out chicks subsidizing your bottom line, or a few thousand bottom lines, & I despise those who do expect low paid others to pick up their costs for them.


13,553 posts

210 months

Saturday 24th August 2013
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Hasbeen said:
What else would I expect from a luddite Suthol, than an expectation that those who want something should pay for it.

You seem to think all of us should contribute to your bottom line. I don't recall asking you to contribute to my bottom line, why the hell do you expect me to contribute to yours. If you have picked a bad business model for where you have chosen to live, that's your problem.

I suppose you & your mates would agree to heating the Cooma area, so I could start a hibiscus nursery there. Your demand is as self-seeking as that, & equally extravagant.

I have no interest in pensioners & check out chicks subsidizing your bottom line, or a few thousand bottom lines, & I despise those who do expect low paid others to pick up their costs for them.
You really are stuck in the past.

More and more of the economy is becoming reliant on the fast and safe transfer of information and knowledge electronically.

Just because you can't understand it, doesn't make it a bad thing.


138 posts

134 months

Saturday 24th August 2013
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NBN is not taxpayer funded...


5,005 posts

222 months

Saturday 24th August 2013
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Colonial said:
You really are stuck in the past.

More and more of the economy is becoming reliant on the fast and safe transfer of information and knowledge electronically.

Just because you can't understand it, doesn't make it a bad thing.
You really are arrogant, typical champagne socialist.

In what other instance is the cost of business equipment not funded by the business itself?

FTTN is equivalent to freeways, they don't take you all the way to your front door, it's up to you how much you spend on your driveway.

If it is so good and essential for business, why aren't the LNP behind it?

Simple, as we all know, and as proven on other forums I use, it is a vote buyer and the vast majority of support is coming from 18-25 know nothings who want faster gaming/movie downloading/porn.

papahet said:
NBN is not taxpayer funded...
How so? Where are the funds to build it coming from if not consolidated revenue?


138 posts

134 months

Saturday 24th August 2013
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madazrx7 said:
papahet said:
NBN is not taxpayer funded...
How so? Where are the funds to build it coming from if not consolidated revenue?
The upfront money to build it comes from the taxpayer. The government has used Australian Government Bonds to pay for it, they have been used to create a debt to draw down on with 4% interest.

The repayment of the bonds comes from private investors and the users of NBN and not from the tax bucket. The cost of being an investor and cost to access NBN has been calculated to return at 7%. It is expected that it will be paid off around 2030 I believe and then it starts to make money for the government.

The upfront money does not come out of the budget, NBN Co is a government company.

Of course this is all in a utopia where everything has been delivered on time and on budget. I believe that NBN Co are not on time or budget at this point.

The Coalition plan can rescue or beat the short term goals of the Labor plan, we will have faster communications sooner for less money up front but as infrastructure further ages it will have more cost later down the line. Reading some techy websites the cost of repairing existing hardware and making it talk to fibre hardware will become prohibitive and uneconomical compared to just ripping it out and putting fibre in everywhere...so we may spend to repair / make the changes to talk to fibre now and the copper will need to be repaired again in 5-10 years and then beyond that we will be paying again to change it all to fibre anyway.

What does all this mean? fk knows...The actual method of getting my internet is not really a voting point for me but I want money spent wisely so we are not brushing problems under the carpet for someone else to fix in 20 years time.

Anyway does anybody want to drink to much beer and eat a massive curry and talk cars n st?


2,073 posts

226 months

Saturday 24th August 2013
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What I do understand Colonial, is that those countries that fell for the smarty talk about the information age & economies are the ones in big trouble. You can only find so many people who want you to do their washing. Suddenly we are finding it's the bloke making the washing machine, not the one using it, making a quid.

China, Germany, India, & now even the US are making things, not telling others how to do it. Why do you think the Irish immigration to Oz is up by 800%? Do you think it just might be the collapse of their information economy.

Come on papahe, that is just a con, & I expect you know it. It was kept off budget because they knew what a loss maker it was going to be, & even these idiots knew they were in trouble with spending. From what can be found, the cost overrun, & the losses are going to be huge. Any idea who will pay for this?

They are not having to beat the customers away with sticks you know. We have voted with our wallets & the count is, we don't want it.

I wonder if anyone can pick which way I'm voting?


3,733 posts

215 months

Saturday 24th August 2013
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I work in the IT industry.

I run my own IT business.

High speed Internet would really assist my business.

I couldn't give a toss about NBN.