Best home internet provider in Perth

Best home internet provider in Perth


Reardy Mister

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13,757 posts

227 months

Wednesday 10th April 2013
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I dont care what the price is, Im already bloody sick of the piss-pooor state of home internet supply in this country/state/town.

Someone please give me the benefit of their experience and tell me who the best is so that I can get it and save myself from smashing some things up whilst using an inferior service.


13,553 posts

210 months

Wednesday 10th April 2013
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Well there is pretty obviously no need to spend any money to actually improve the situation.

Let's be happy with what we have and if we don't like it then we can move. Pretty clear that is the only sensible outcome.

Reardy Mister

Original Poster:

13,757 posts

227 months

Wednesday 10th April 2013
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WeirdNeville said:
I've had no end of grief trying to sort this out.
You are bound by many factors outside your control: Very few exchanges, so you're more than likely a fair way away. Fragmented infrastructure meaning that even if you are near an exchange, your preferred provider may not have equipment it it, or that equipment may be at capacity. You can only find this out by contacting providers directly.
Finally, there may not even be a phone line to your house. By that I mean the cable itself may have been taken to supply another home if you have not had continuous phone services.

There is not much value asking for "the best" provider. You might find that there is simply no way to connect to "the best" provider from your home, and so will be left with a bunch of second best choices.

Let us know a bit more about your circumstances and perhaps someone can offer a bit more help. Whirlpool forums have good general advice but their advice t foreigners bemoaning the state of australian internet provision tends to be along the lines of "if you don't like it, leave".

FWIW, I like my internet, used to be a keen online gamer, but didn't do massive downloads so didn't particularly need very high speeds or massive download limits. I just want a stable conection and low ping. Ideally, I wanted ADSL2, and being 2km from the exchange that should have been no problem.

My experience of obtaining broadband in a rented townhouse <5km from Perth CBD went thusly:

Signed up online for ADSL2 with TPG.
1 week later they told me my address didn't exist.
Took a week for me to prove that it did.
4 weeks later they told me there was no fixed line hardware to the address.
Called the to find out what this meant, and they said that Telstra said there was no land line.

Contacted Telstra who said they had no record of ever having a fixed line at that address, perhaps I should try Yes Optus who are the other land line suppliers.
Found out from Landlord that there had been a landline, and they had received broadband through iinet.
Contaced Yes optus, who, in probably my most frustrating call centre experience EVER were unable to tell me if a land line had ever been installed by them at the address. For "security reasons". Coud they supply broadband now? They could not tell me. But if I signed up, they could tell me in 4 weeks.

We are now at week 8 ish of being in the house.

Contacted iinet and signed up for an ADSL2 package, seeing as I now knew they HAD supplied the address in the past.
1 week later they told me my address didn't exist.
Took a day for me to prove that it did.
3 weeks later they told me there was no fixed line hardware to the address.
Contacted them and they said they'd send an engineer out to trace the route from exchange to house.
Result of this one week later is that they will need $400 to connect a line fr our home to get broadband.
They couls make no guarantee of service quality.

I cracked.

I went to vivid wireless, who, with their "pseudo 4G" (actually wiimax and nothing like 4G) network could post me a "home hub" out the next day. I did my research and realised that they had a bunch of tranceivers on the hotel about 100m away with direct line of sight from the upstairs bedroom.

I got the box. I plugged it in. It worked.

I'm actually very happy with it. I'm on their $80 a month plan. It gives you a VOIP phone line so I can call Australia and the UK Free (and it is totally free up to 1 hour calls). The phone just plugs into the router like a normal phone socket. It has been up and running and given totally reliable service for 3 months now. Normal speeds are about 4-5Mb/s but this can drop to 1Mb/s on "Skype sunday" or high traffic times. I can watch HD youtube, and I have torrented a few big items with no penalty and acceptable speed.
The real killer is the ping. with ~70ms ping I've had to quit gaming online as it's really not playable. Minecraft and stuff is ok, Call of Duty or Forza really isn't.

I've had to go out and get fitter as a result.
Good info, thanks.

Incidentally, in my first two weeks I stayed in an apartment which had vivid and it was pretty good I have to say.

Moving into a rented house Friday in Sorrento (North a bit). House is about 12-15yrs old I reckon. Cul-de-sac, near Hepburn ave.

Will want good skype capability and ideally, the ability to play Forza online but not essential. Will pay whatever it takes just so that I don't have to worry about it.

NBN map shows no hope for me within about 5 yrs.


118 posts

178 months

Wednesday 10th April 2013
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If you're able to get an adsl connection, from my experience, and the experience of many others I've spoken to, Westnet is outstanding. Iinet, whom I believe recently bought Westnet, is also very good.


5,671 posts

224 months

Wednesday 10th April 2013
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For what it's worth we have Internode in Hillarys and whilst the speed took a couple of days to stabilise, its a steady 2.5mb/sec now eekwink

All this talk has got me wondering what to do when we come to move from our rental in September - You already have to rush through the application process with no time to check things so it looks like its pot luck when it comes to ADSL2 availability.

Reardy Mister

Original Poster:

13,757 posts

227 months

Wednesday 10th April 2013
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WeirdNeville said:
Reardy Mister said:
Moving into a rented house Friday in Sorrento (North a bit). House is about 12-15yrs old I reckon. Cul-de-sac, near Hepburn ave.

Will want good skype capability and ideally, the ability to play Forza online but not essential. Will pay whatever it takes just so that I don't have to worry about it.
I think our streams crossed.

Find out where your local exchange and see what providers you have access to.
Sounds to me that you would want ADSL2. It's the only option for reliable internet gaming.
IF cost is not problem then Telstra are a good option as they own lots of the hardware. Otehr providers ahve to request that Telstra release lines, make connections at exchanges, etc. Telstra just do it all direct. Beware long contracts. Many are 24 months which is no good for renting. BEar in mind it may be a month to get a line in and running (or more).

See this list: (goole maps link looks to be broken) It tells you who has what equipment where. there is apparently an exchange at – 19 Constitution Hill Rd, Sorrento, but no indication of what kit is there. Depending on cabling that may or may not be your actual exchange.

If the exchange is at capacity or there is no way to connect a land line, then Telstra also do a 4G 9and it is tru 4G unlike Vivid) box which should have latency low enough to game. Sadly, it's dependant on 4G signal and contention (number of people connected) so your milage may very much vary.

GOod luck. We're all counting on you.
Rang iinet, they didn't have a clue where the address was or what was in place at the house and had to use someone else's infrastructure which dictated my tariff. That includes being subject to peak and off-peak usage limitations where off-peak was 2am to 8am. As I don't stay up grooming young American boys until the early hours, that's a bit st. Girl on the phone was bit clueless too.

Rang telstra, now getting house phone, internet (Ultimate Cable Technology or something) @200gb per month and foxtel HD with all sport and less of the guff the Missus likes, for 150 per month. They're fitting it in the next 3-10 days for me for free.

I'm slightly suspicious at how easy it went....


3,733 posts

215 months

Wednesday 10th April 2013
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WeirdNeville said:
I've had no end of grief trying to sort this out.


I've had to go out and get fitter as a result.
Similar but without the landline run around.

While staying with friends got a Vivid box delivered, so had internet within 5mins of walking into our rental.

Unfortunatly the apartment faced the wrong way so had to deal with 1mb/sec speeds for 18 months. Fine enough for browing and phonecalls.

Move into our house, and again internet in 5 mins and now have 5-7mb/sec. Streeming video seems a bit happier now.


2,187 posts

239 months

Wednesday 10th April 2013
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WeirdNeville said:
I think our streams crossed.

Find out where your local exchange and see what providers you have access to.
Sounds to me that you would want ADSL2. It's the only option for reliable internet gaming.
IF cost is not problem then Telstra are a good option as they own lots of the hardware. Otehr providers ahve to request that Telstra release lines, make connections at exchanges, etc. Telstra just do it all direct. Beware long contracts. Many are 24 months which is no good for renting. BEar in mind it may be a month to get a line in and running (or more).

See this list: (goole maps link looks to be broken) It tells you who has what equipment where. there is apparently an exchange at – 19 Constitution Hill Rd, Sorrento, but no indication of what kit is there. Depending on cabling that may or may not be your actual exchange.

If the exchange is at capacity or there is no way to connect a land line, then Telstra also do a 4G 9and it is tru 4G unlike Vivid) box which should have latency low enough to game. Sadly, it's dependant on 4G signal and contention (number of people connected) so your milage may very much vary.

GOod luck. We're all counting on you.
The Optus exchange for the state is at Lockridge and you will find that they extend ADSL out via DSLAMs in the local Telstra exchanges.

One major problem that we have with ADSL is the suburban backbone copper often uses " pair gain " which means two subscribers us a single pair which puts ADSL out of scope for one of the two parties.

ADSL & wireless will always suffer form congestion due to aggregation which has been mentioned on an adjacent thread

Reardy Mister

Original Poster:

13,757 posts

227 months

Wednesday 10th April 2013
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suthol said:
WeirdNeville said:
I think our streams crossed.

Find out where your local exchange and see what providers you have access to.
Sounds to me that you would want ADSL2. It's the only option for reliable internet gaming.
IF cost is not problem then Telstra are a good option as they own lots of the hardware. Otehr providers ahve to request that Telstra release lines, make connections at exchanges, etc. Telstra just do it all direct. Beware long contracts. Many are 24 months which is no good for renting. BEar in mind it may be a month to get a line in and running (or more).

See this list: (goole maps link looks to be broken) It tells you who has what equipment where. there is apparently an exchange at – 19 Constitution Hill Rd, Sorrento, but no indication of what kit is there. Depending on cabling that may or may not be your actual exchange.

If the exchange is at capacity or there is no way to connect a land line, then Telstra also do a 4G 9and it is tru 4G unlike Vivid) box which should have latency low enough to game. Sadly, it's dependant on 4G signal and contention (number of people connected) so your milage may very much vary.

GOod luck. We're all counting on you.
The Optus exchange for the state is at Lockridge and you will find that they extend ADSL out via DSLAMs in the local Telstra exchanges.

One major problem that we have with ADSL is the suburban backbone copper often uses " pair gain " which means two subscribers us a single pair which puts ADSL out of scope for one of the two parties.

ADSL & wireless will always suffer form congestion due to aggregation which has been mentioned on an adjacent thread
NO idea what I have. The guy on the phone said its superior to ADSL2. IT nerd in my office scoffed and said I got the wrong thing.

Sod it. Its done now.


14,306 posts

221 months

Thursday 11th April 2013
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Currently going through this process.

Live in Innaloo - have ADSL2 (i think) via Iinet Naked DSL. Iinet have been fine although everyone has told me different. Always worked for the whole 2 years, simple, never incorrectly billed etc.

Now moving toTapping nr Joondalup. Well it appears that living 3.5kms from the exchange means no ADSL2,old technology and basically working for home would be a drama.

Apparently the estate I'm going to is E-Wired but that is ste (cable wired broadband that is crap - wow) by all accounts so I have no choice to go through Telstra -$80pm 200gb ADSL2.


5,005 posts

222 months

Thursday 11th April 2013
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Colonial said:
Well there is pretty obviously no need to spend any money to actually improve the situation.

Let's be happy with what we have and if we don't like it then we can move. Pretty clear that is the only sensible outcome.
FFS are you going to start spamming every fking thread with your ALP advertising?!

Hint: It doesn't matter anyway, they're going to get wiped off the political map thumbup

Edited by madazrx7 on Thursday 11th April 02:32

Edited by madazrx7 on Thursday 11th April 05:05


2,187 posts

239 months

Thursday 11th April 2013
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madazrx7 said:
FFS are you going to start spamming every fking thread with your ALP advertising?!

Hint: It doesn't matter anyway, their going to get wiped off the political map thumbup

Edited by madazrx7 on Thursday 11th April 02:32
Just think, if you had decent broadband you find news and opinions from someone other than one of the following.

The West Australian
The Courier Mail
The Advertiser
The Herald Sun
The Daily Telegraph
The Australian.

Phuck it forget those few how about ignoring all of the print media and TV and radio outlets and get into the " new media " and develop an opinion of your own rather than Rupert's, Gina's, Twiggy's or Clive's. I'll leave Tinkler out because he's good comedy value and I have a feeling in my water his life may be about to become very interesting.


13,553 posts

210 months

Thursday 11th April 2013
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madazrx7 said:
FFS are you going to start spamming every fking thread with your ALP advertising?!

Hint: It doesn't matter anyway, their going to get wiped off the political map thumbup

Edited by madazrx7 on Thursday 11th April 02:32
They deserve to go. And they will. No doubt about it.

But the NBN is a better option than what the Coalition is putting forward.

Unless you are a blind party hack, loyal to only one side, you can actually sort through the bullst and establish where there is a decent policy. Maybe you should give it a try sometime.


3,733 posts

215 months

Thursday 11th April 2013
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suthol said:
Phuck it forget those few how about ignoring all of the print media and TV and radio outlets and get into the " new media " and develop an opinion of your own rather than Rupert's, Gina's, Twiggy's or Clive's.
I've done that since leaving the UK. I used to commute with an hour of Radio4 each way.

Now I no longer get my news from 'the usual suspects'. It's actually quite liberating.

If i want to know about something, I actually go look for it.


5,671 posts

224 months

Thursday 11th April 2013
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If I find myself in the car early afternoon I always listen to BBC Radio 4 morning news via my phone/AUX input.


3,733 posts

215 months

Thursday 11th April 2013
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200bhp said:
If I find myself in the car early afternoon I always listen to BBC Radio 4 morning news via my phone/AUX input.
I used to enjoy half of it, the other half used to annoy me (mainly the news use to annoy).

Can't stand adverts or 'pop' music.


5,671 posts

224 months

Friday 12th April 2013
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Bibbs said:
I used to enjoy half of it, the other half used to annoy me (mainly the news use to annoy).

Can't stand adverts or 'pop' music.
There's always BBC Radio 2 but depending on the time of day there can be some pointless drivel.

Reardy Mister

Original Poster:

13,757 posts

227 months

Wednesday 17th April 2013
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I will stream R4 and probably R2 when I get a decent car with a decent juke box.

Aside from the AFR occasionally and on Saturdays, I avoid all the papers and most definitely the news. And if I even hear an advertisement for Today-Tonight, blood starts to seep from my eyeballs.

Reardy Mister

Original Poster:

13,757 posts

227 months

Monday 22nd April 2013
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Today I found out you can't record any foxtel via your t-box.

They tell you on the call to make the order that you can pause and record live tv, but of course neglect to declare that it doesn't include foxtel channels.

So I can't record the epl for example.

You pay for channels to be streamed into your home 24/7 but can only use them between getting home and going to sleep. s. Will attempting to wriggle out of it immediately.

Reardy Mister

Original Poster:

13,757 posts

227 months

Wednesday 24th April 2013
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WeirdNeville said:
And it was all going so well......
Been back to Telstra. Complained very loudly that the guy who flogged it to me on the phone didnt mention no ability to record foxtel, eben though he knew it my intention to watch EPL games on it, which are late at night. Its very obvious from their attitudes that its a bone of contention. Only after a long and considered pause when they know the game is up, can you get anyone to admit that this is the case and even then the most they will acknowledge is that "Perhaps this was not the best product for your needs".

Am now having Foxtel provided by Telstra. Proper IQ HD box, fitted on a Sunday (Foxtel techs work Sundays, Telstra ones don't), no penalty for getting rid of the T-Box, no requirement to give it back and no requirement to finish paying for it. I can use it as a set-top-box in another room if I want. Or take it outside and hit it with a hammer until I'm sure it cant hurt me anymore. Now have lots more channels, the ability to record, watch remotely, set recording remotely and its all only 30 bucks per month more than I was paying.

AND I noticed that when youre on skype using bandwidth, the T-Box chokes and sometimes wont play your Fox (as it all comes down the internet). bks to that. Worst system Ive ever seen and the off decent feature like calling up a few internet apps (youtube and the like) cost you money! $2 for one youtube clip the other day! Apple TV will soon sort that.
Took me 1:28mins on the phone this morning to sort it out though. The fkers. Thank christ that woeful channel guide interface on the T-box is a thing of the past.