What to See & Do?



Original Poster:

24,598 posts

292 months

Monday 27th September 2004
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I'm visiting Sydney & Cairns the first three weeks in January - any suggestions for motoring/petrolhead activities?

I've already pencilled in a visit to Mount Panorama/Bathurst whilst I'm in Sydney, but would appreciate any other ideas.

Nicholas Blair

4,109 posts

292 months

Monday 27th September 2004
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Might be some racing on out at Eastern Creek (West of Sydney) round about then.


5,591 posts

250 months

Thursday 30th September 2004
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Summernats might be on, thats a big modified/street machine type festival usually held in Canberra around that time of year. Not sure of the exact dates though

Ozzie Dave

567 posts

256 months

Monday 11th October 2004
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Dont stop in cairns , drive down the coast road and stay at Port Douglas , about 45 mins drive away .