Is Crocodile Dundee the best Australian Film ever?

Is Crocodile Dundee the best Australian Film ever?



Original Poster:

16,484 posts

252 months

Monday 13th September 2004
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Well is it?



9,975 posts

292 months

Monday 13th September 2004
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My favourite Australian film is Babe, closely followed by Moulin Rouge.

There is a really creepy Aussie film about a couple who go on a "getting away from it all" camping trip to a secluded beach (spoiler removed), but I can't remember the title.

Edited to add: Found it: "Long Weekend" - Seriously creepy.

Another excellent spooky Aussie film is Picnic at Hanging Rock.

>> Edited by Alex on Monday 13th September 14:05

>> Edited by Alex on Monday 13th September 14:08

Nicholas Blair

4,109 posts

292 months

Monday 13th September 2004
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The Castle was a goody.

Muriel's Wedding also.


9,975 posts

292 months

Monday 13th September 2004
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Pitch Black was Australian too. Shame the sequel is a stinker...


46,645 posts

283 months

Monday 13th September 2004
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Mad Max..?


1,991 posts

276 months

Monday 13th September 2004
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Strictly Ballroom?


13,698 posts

255 months

Monday 13th September 2004
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Picnic at hanging rock had something about it.

And there is a whole generation of people who recall a naked Jenny Agutter in Walkabout. Snigger snigger.

Of course, with the huge Fox studios down there - Australian movies also include the Matrix trilogy and Mission Impossible 2.

I was in Sydney when they were filming Matrix 2 and 3. Lots of the streets were closed on a Sunday for some car chase moves..

stin hambo

627 posts

245 months

Monday 13th September 2004
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The Castle and The Nugget spring to mind!

Oh yes, Chopper wasn't bad either...

What was that film with Russell Crow about immigrants and violence in the 70s?


9,975 posts

292 months

Monday 13th September 2004
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Romper Stomper.

stin hambo

627 posts

245 months

Monday 13th September 2004
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Alex said:
Romper Stomper.

Yes that's the one! Another good'un!!


712 posts

279 months

Monday 13th September 2004
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Come on guys, this is a motoring forum so surely you can't go past the classic
"The Cars That Ate Paris".
Did anybody mention "Stone"?

stin hambo

627 posts

245 months

Monday 13th September 2004
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My wife to be mentioned Lentana and Blackrock


710 posts

268 months

Tuesday 14th September 2004
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rjo said:
Come on guys, this is a motoring forum so surely you can't go past the classic
"The Cars That Ate Paris".
Did anybody mention "Stone"?

Stone...excellent film for it's day
the cars that ate!te
Running on!te
Mad Max.....brilliant
Mad Max II... even better


5,591 posts

250 months

Tuesday 14th September 2004
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dont forget Metal Skin, ok so its a wierd, hard to find, probably cult type movie, but has some great car chase scenes


7,120 posts

250 months

Tuesday 14th September 2004
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Just watched "The Castle" last weekend - v funny and definitely worth a watch wherever you are in the world.

stin hambo

627 posts

245 months

Tuesday 14th September 2004
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pombstard said:
Just watched "The Castle" last weekend - v funny and definitely worth a watch wherever you are in the world.

I bought it from Amazon and I was pi$$ing myself with laughter!


1,736 posts

261 months

Friday 12th November 2004
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Danny Deckchair?

or maybe not


712 posts

279 months

Sunday 28th November 2004
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Poor post, sitting here as if there are no other good Aussie flicks.
If you are into movies, I suggest you check out a couple of films featuring Hugo Weaving.
Proof, and The Interview. (Proof also features an early Russell Crowe.


2,760 posts

250 months

Sunday 28th November 2004
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Did we mention Jenny A. in Walkabout????

Wacky Racer

39,033 posts

255 months

Sunday 28th November 2004
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Picnic at Hanging Rock.....