DIY Design Painting Result

DIY Design Painting Result



Original Poster:

68 posts

259 months

Sunday 24th April 2005
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Thank you for the replies I had about the material for masking squares. Here is my attempt at the boot lid... All that is left to do is the rest of the car now...

rich 36

13,739 posts

276 months

Sunday 24th April 2005
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looks very pro, can you pop 'round to do mine after ?


Original Poster:

68 posts

259 months

Sunday 24th April 2005
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Think sticking squares over the rest of the 13ft length of the car is going to take me a while yet

Will post a picture of the whole car when I do eventually sort it

rich 36

13,739 posts

276 months

Sunday 24th April 2005
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I fancied a flag 'waving' motion looking picture, rather than the (static)


Original Poster:

68 posts

259 months

Sunday 24th April 2005
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Well i was going to try and do that over the silver/chrome squares but it was too complicated for my first go... lol...

rich 36

13,739 posts

276 months

Sunday 24th April 2005
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I cant' imagine how someone would go about laying that out to mask up,
would you scale up a piccy and transfer it page by page with a pencil or something?


Original Poster:

68 posts

259 months

Sunday 24th April 2005
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Hmm, well I would draw a sketch of it on some frisk film and them cut it out with a craft knife. Either that or draw it onto the body panel.

rich 36

13,739 posts

276 months

Sunday 24th April 2005
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I think i've seen it in transfer form somewhere but then only in a small section, which perhaps can be applied together
although not sure what that might cost, mind you in the unhappy event of contact with someone else's car it might be handy to mend.


13,668 posts

271 months

Wednesday 27th April 2005
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The easier way would be to do it in 3 stages

bung the white on the red (one big square) as I guess you've already done

then mask in straight lines (no cutting) and do half the black

Cover that black in straight lines and it'll leave the space for the other half of the black


Original Poster:

68 posts

259 months

Wednesday 27th April 2005
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Now that was a way I thought of doing it but I couldnt get my head around it. Now you explained it like that I will have to keep that idea in my head in case of any body repairs... (Which I hope I dont need to do!!!)