This place is like heaven on earth

This place is like heaven on earth


Polly Grigora

Original Poster:

11,209 posts

112 months

Monday 15th August 2022
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S6PNJ said:
Polly Grigora said:
S6PNJ said:
A question Polly - without the correct (or any) tool, how are those pins removed from the plastic housing (radio amp plug)? What can I 'Heath Robinson' together to get the pins out?
Remove the hard steel from a wiper blade rubber, grind it to a narrow width and grind it thinner, work to a length of approx 4 Cms, cut the ground part off after grinding and knock it into a small wooden handle or whatever takes your fancy

The steel is very strong and great for putting down plug slots for pushing in terminal locking tabs
Fab! Many thanks - as luck (or pre-planning) would have it, I have 2 wiper blade inserts already! And plenty to grind them with.
Great, you best back a horse

Polly Grigora

Original Poster:

11,209 posts

112 months

Tuesday 22nd November 2022
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