3D Printed Door Caps and Other Rubber Bits

3D Printed Door Caps and Other Rubber Bits


The Three D Mucketeer

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5,994 posts

230 months

pblake said:
These are my Mrk 1 Tuscan would like a driver and passenger set please if you can do them.

Edited by pblake on Sunday 30th June 07:43
Hi Peter,
Yes does look like the later MK1,MK2 , Convertible style. I'm stopping supplying for the next couple of weeks because I've got a stand at the TVR HEAVEN event on the the13th/14th July , and I'm trying to get some display items made.
I have your details and will post when I'm back in production smile

I'm trying to crack the early Tuscan MK1 issue, it turns out early MK1 didn't have A Post rubber muckets and leaked water like mad into the footwell. Cars were returned to the factory for rectification . One off solutions were deployed for a number of months and various iterations of the design until Trevor Cooper came up with the one you show. Hence my problem , I even think bodywork modifications were undertaken. So I'm unlikely to come up with a solution that fits all early Tuscan MK1 , without fitting by a specialist.

Edited by The Three D Mucketeer on Sunday 30th June 09:59