What are Mustangs like to live with?

What are Mustangs like to live with?



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445 posts

142 months

Sunday 3rd December 2023
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Pretty much as per the title really....

At the moment im driving a Vauxhall Monaro VXR which ive owned and used as a daily for 10-11 years now but its getting a bit long in the tooth, has a long list of faults and im at the point where i need to either spend a good few grand on it or replace it, but what to replace it with? I keep looking at Mustangs, i do like the look of them, i like the fact that there is no shortage of Ford dealers to back them up and i do like a big lazy V8, but ive never driven a Mustang, one thing that does put me off is the hand brake, how Ford managed to change everything from left to right hand drive except that i have no idea!

So as per the title, what are they like to live with, are they good to drive, easy/cheap to maintain? Obviously driving a Monaro to me things like the high tax and petrol costs are normal so dont really matter.

Thanks in advance.