Looking for XR4i A652 LEH

Looking for XR4i A652 LEH



Original Poster:

105 posts

128 months

Friday 28th June
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Hi all,

I am looking for an old car that I used to own.
It is a red Sierra XR4i plate: A652 LEH

It is not appearing on the government website to check MOT etc - ? does this mean that it will have been scrapped?

Any help or info would be most appreciated,

Many Thanks,



525 posts

121 months

Friday 28th June
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The MOT history shows it's last MOT expired in 2008, it didn't fail, just the previous one expired.

If the plate had been changed to a private plate, I would expect the MOT history not to show on the original plate, so unfortunately I suspect it's long since been bean cans.