Ford / Bluetooth / iPhone / Music & Maps

Ford / Bluetooth / iPhone / Music & Maps



Original Poster:

21 posts

22 months

Monday 22nd January
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Hi All,

I have a 2010 Fiesta and its bluetooth system is pretty primitive, but does work well enough to allow me to play music and navigation instructions through my iPhone.

My issue with it is (which I had somehow solved for a long while but which now seems to have decided to unsolve itself) is that as soon as the phone connects to the car's bluetooth, the phone's music app opens and starts playing something.

This is ok if I wanted to play music, but if am driving somewhere for the first time, I want to only hear the maps voice commands so I can concentrate on that.

This seems now to be impossible however, because even manually closing the music app on the phone just means it re-opens itself a moment later and starts playing again.

I had used a shortcut I'd programmed on the phone which paused music when the phone connected to the car, but this suddenly seems to no longer work.

Any insight and hopefully solutions much appreciated.

Many thanks
