Whos up for a meet in April?

Whos up for a meet in April?



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256 months

Thursday 26th February 2004
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Right i'm back from uni in April and thought we could organise a meet in the Aylesbury area. Plenty of nice pubs around and good roads.

Anyone got any suggestions? For time/date/location

I'm back from uni on the 4th April and start back on the 26th so thats the sort of timescale I was thinking off.


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256 months

Thursday 26th February 2004
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bridgdav said:
Thats a bl00dy long meet.....

lol! I think you know what I mean!


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Friday 27th February 2004
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Sounds like there should be a good number of us.

Just a shame I don't have a nice exotic car to bring along.


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256 months

Monday 1st March 2004
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puggit said:
Having seen your profile pmanson, I have one thing to say!


Tell her to update the shirt though

That was a fancy dress night out. (Footballers and their wifes or something). She's from Brighton! Don't think shes ever heard of watford


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256 months

Monday 1st March 2004
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Edt said:
1st step complete.. just spoke to a most pleasant gal at W Manor.. guess what.. she owns a Chimaera !


Sounds good. If you need any help contact me through my profile and i'll give you a hand.


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256 months

Monday 1st March 2004
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trooper1212 said:
What are the 2 events on this year? Could we gatecrash

There was an Aston Martin one the other summer


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256 months

Tuesday 2nd March 2004
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Wendover Woods? Plenty of parking.

Would be great if we get good weather (Good backdrop for photos)

No pub though!


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256 months

Wednesday 3rd March 2004
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Edt said:
Right.. so it's that pubb on the A41 then (going past that way this weekend so will stop & have a poke around to make sure still all OK).

Now then fellas.. how about 17 th or 18th April ? (Sat, Sun)


Either or for me. Can someone post a link to the pub so I know roughly where it is.



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256 months

Thursday 4th March 2004
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Edt said:
WHOOPS just looking at Tuscan schedule that's race day... Silverstone up the road. I'm hoping to be there cheering along Andy (no.6). Presume a good few of you lot will also be there.

So.... based on that wild assumption, how about the Sunday before, the 11th ? (obvioulsy being a bit selfish here.. want to do both!)

Sounds good to me. But I am quite pissed at the mo


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256 months

Monday 8th March 2004
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Edt said:
as choosing a dat is obviously not my forte.. lets have a vote on some dates fellas.. if 11th tricky due to Easter things, 18th Silverstone, how about 25th? Actually made the move to check in diary.. doesnt show as a holiday/festival/xmas or whatever!


The 25th would be difficult for me as i'm supposed to be going back to uni but i'm sure I could back it if that was the only date and we were meeting at lunchtime


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256 months

Monday 8th March 2004
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Edt said:
come on .. more more MORE !


(sure it's OK pmanson?)

Yeah should be fine. its only a couple of hours to get to bournemouth


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256 months

Wednesday 10th March 2004
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neilsie said:

gbbird said:

a drive down your choice roads sounds good to me - just a shame its only 20 minutes


doesnt have to be...

Ed - take it you meant the Thame Loop? Just watch out for the bikers!
Easy to extend loop via the Claydons and some other twisties...x

Can I be a passenger in someones car? Don't think my current car will keep up with you lot


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256 months

Wednesday 10th March 2004
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neilsie said:

gbbird said:

a drive down your choice roads sounds good to me - just a shame its only 20 minutes


doesnt have to be...

Ed - take it you meant the Thame Loop? Just watch out for the bikers!
Easy to extend loop via the Claydons and some other twisties...x

Can I be a passenger in someones car? Don't think my current car will keep up with you lot


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256 months

Wednesday 10th March 2004
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Edt said:

Plug in your Angels everyones..

Ok Charlie


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256 months

Wednesday 10th March 2004
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gbbird said:

i usually leave the missus at home for these things, so there's a front seat in the Cerbera for you if you want it


Sounds good to me. I've been in a BobThePlanners Tuscan and Chimera so this will be the next tvr on the list ticked off.

So is the plan to all meet at the pub, have something to eat then go for a drive?


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256 months

Wednesday 10th March 2004
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Edt said:
How about meeting pre-lunch before scoff. THen we can discuss who nearly spun where, etc etc, (only kidding!)If we book a group table (ot two) for 1 ish then not up too early for a pre lunch blast.

I dont know all these roads mentioned, but if you fancy my loop we could meet at the big Esso in Bicester(right at the very start of the A41) and convoy from there ?


Thats the one just down from the motorway isn't it by Bicester Village


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256 months

Monday 15th March 2004
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slikk said:
Must look here more often.. .. ..any room for a little blue Chimaera, chaps?

Of course! The more the merrier


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256 months

Tuesday 23rd March 2004
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slikk said:
From what i can make out, it will be the 25th.. .. ..unless someone knows better?

Thats the one. Location is the crooked billet pub for a lunch at 1 ish however a few of us are meeting at the Esso garage at Bicester for a blat. (I might not be there as the old dears Espace is unlikely to be able to keep up with you lot!

Unless I drop the car off at the pub and someone picks me up on the way through for a blat.

>> Edited by pmanson on Tuesday 23 March 23:26


Original Poster:

13,387 posts

256 months

Tuesday 23rd March 2004
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slikk said:
Hopefully will have the sports zorst and other goodies fitted by then

How far from the M40 is the garage.. .. ..and at what time? (will try to be there)

>> Edited by slikk on Tuesday 23 March 23:45

You come off the motorway and get straight on the dual carriageway and at the bottom of the dual carriageway is the Esso garage at the roundabout.

This is a very straight long safe peice of road!

Don't think a time has been decided. It's only about 15mins to the pub from there though.

Some very nice roads over that way as well