Camera system being tested on M3 Bracknell

Camera system being tested on M3 Bracknell



Original Poster:

292 posts

159 months

Tuesday 14th June 2022
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Anyone else spotted the odd looking Cameras on stands being tested on the M3 near Bracknell ?.
They are low level and mounted on portable units.

Some research would indicate these might be the new sound measuring cameras to catch and fine people with very loud exhausts. Over 72db ?.

Can anyone confirm or have any info on what they are ?.


Original Poster:

292 posts

159 months

Sunday 7th August 2022
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An update on these, and they are still there at present.

Some may have noticed they have 4 cameras each, pointing in all different directions.
I have been advised by a member of hampshire Police that these are testing a system which uses AI to determine if someone is holding a Mobile Phone.

He said it is very accurate and produces very clear images of any such person holding their phone.
Question is how does it determine a driver ?, as a passenger in the front could be holding a phone near their face.

Anyway, if it actually works thats great.
I see far too many people still using mobiles in their hands while driving. Particularly truck drivers. They dont seem to realise their large side mirrors give the game away very easily to other passing motorists.


Original Poster:

292 posts

159 months

Monday 17th October 2022
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I have had it confirmed by an officer that they are the Mobile Phone detection cameras. Or at least a version of them on trial.
The camera system is 360 degrees and uses AI software to pick out a phone being held in someones hand.

Got to love the anti-theft / tamper alarm on those ones !.


Original Poster:

292 posts

159 months

Sunday 5th May
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JackReacher said:
I've noticed some new cameras have appeared in the past week between the M25 and Junction 4A, both directions.

Firstly, yellow cameras on their own yellow support, a bit like those you'd find as average speed cameras on motorway works.

Secondly, some smaller cctv ones with solar panels at quite regular intervals.

What's going on? Are the new speed cameras there in preparation for work, or are they active now in addition to the regular gantry speed cameras.
Yep ive seen these all around the M25 north as well. Must be over 30 of them on the north section, and they have also popped up on the M4 too heading into london.
From the writing on the boxes and the website address thats on them they seem to be some sort of remote CCTV device. But seems a tad excessive as they are every half a mile.