A3095 'Improvements'



Original Poster:

7,816 posts

150 months

Saturday 5th January 2019
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Had this through the post

Now i can see some things that heve not been thought through

A moany type letter has been forwarded esp on one of the things

Anything else

Oh i have also had a go at them about something so flawed in their plans even David Plunkett could see it

The lights at the Sport centre roundabout should be turned off from 19.00-06.00 to aid traffic flow
However they are going to make the Birch hill peak time lights full time.. dont they learn anything?

The yellow box at twin bridges is a waste of paint
The roundabout at the 'northern' end of the A3095 by pass should be redesigned
The roundabout on Peacock lane to the A3290 also needs looking at
THe cross roads at Coral Reef could be speeded up off peak by using the US method of a flashing yellow at off peak hours and a 4 way stop to reduce the amount of time vehicles sit ticking over watching nothing but lights change
If they are interested in the reduction of pollution then making vehicles stop for uneccesary lights late at night is not the way to go about it!

Comments appreciated

Edited by silverfoxcc on Saturday 5th January 19:41


Original Poster:

7,816 posts

150 months

Saturday 5th January 2019
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Heres the back bit

And apologies for the side view i did take them in portrait mode


673 posts

164 months

Sunday 6th January 2019
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I agree with your points and would add that the left had lane on both A322 approaches to the Coral Reef lights should be left turn only.


Original Poster:

7,816 posts

150 months

Sunday 6th January 2019
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That has been mentioned in my email to them
I allways use the RH and it tends to upset those in the LH lane!

What theses bozos havent twigged is that the A3095 is 'tidal'
AM traffic is backed up to the Crowthorne roundabout
PM traffic back to the Mac Roundabout on mill lane

YET by making it 2 lanes southbound isnt going to solve the chaos in the mornings
I have suggested doing it like Castle Hill in reading and having a middle lane that can be multi-use NOT th old three lane suicide roads but traffic light/signs controlled Tow lanes in AM, 2 lanes out PM

I just wonder who thinks these things up.More worrying they are given authority to put it into practice

Buffoons every one

Edited by silverfoxcc on Sunday 6th January 11:09

Mr Tidy

23,767 posts

132 months

Sunday 6th January 2019
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Pretty much all of their improvements are just going to increase air pollution any time outside of the rush hour - they seemingly don't understand do they? banghead

Thankfully I don't have to commute to Bracknell from Sandhurst any more - I had more than my fill of the pain of the Broadmoor roundabout project, and before that finished they heaped on the misery of the Twin Bridges "improvements"!

And if past works are anything to go by it'll be a complete mess while it's in progress.

They ought to take a leaf out of Surrey Heath's book with what they are doing on the A30/A331 roundabout - no running lanes are ever closed during rush hours. It only takes a bit of common sense - but that seems to be sadly lacking in Bracknell Forest BC!


Original Poster:

7,816 posts

150 months

Monday 7th January 2019
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Mr T

Drop them a line expressing your concerns

Every little helps


673 posts

164 months

Monday 7th January 2019
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silverfoxcc said:

That has been mentioned in my email to them
I allways use the RH and it tends to upset those in the LH lane!

What theses bozos havent twigged is that the A3095 is 'tidal'
AM traffic is backed up to the Crowthorne roundabout
PM traffic back to the Mac Roundabout on mill lane

YET by making it 2 lanes southbound isnt going to solve the chaos in the mornings
I have suggested doing it like Castle Hill in reading and having a middle lane that can be multi-use NOT th old three lane suicide roads but traffic light/signs controlled Tow lanes in AM, 2 lanes out PM

I just wonder who thinks these things up.More worrying they are given authority to put it into practice

Buffoons every one

Edited by silverfoxcc on Sunday 6th January 11:09
I have friends whose houses back onto the road between the Hanworth and Golden Retriever roundabouts, their reaction will be interesting. I wonder if objections are possible?

Mr Tidy

23,767 posts

132 months

Monday 7th January 2019
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silverfoxcc said:
Mr T

Drop them a line expressing your concerns

Every little helps
I will, but sadly I doubt it will make any difference!

I sent something to the local papers about their decision to remove the roundabout on the A329/Lookout junction to install traffic lights that got published as "Letter of the Week" in 2 of them - but that didn't make any difference did it? banghead