Body Shop recommendations



Original Poster:

399 posts

233 months

Friday 7th April 2017
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Looking for a local body shop to respay my TVR in the same colour just to give it a tidy up. Its had a very hard life and now needs some tlc.
I am based in Bracknell but anything local would be a bonus.


999 posts

185 months

Friday 7th April 2017
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Hi Peter
I used C&S Coachworks at Liphook to reseal my headlamp lenses.
Fernhurst's used to use them for all of their paintwork jobs so fully aware of fibreglass work but believe they now go elsewhere.
I found C&S to be very good and went out of their way to keep me informed and happy with what they were doing as my little job turned into a bit more than what was initially perceived.
Not only that they stood by the quote they gave me.


Original Poster:

399 posts

233 months

Friday 7th April 2017
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Hi Neil
Long time no see.
Liphook don't exist any more, I will keep looking


999 posts

185 months

Friday 7th April 2017
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Just rang them Pete
Still there at Passfield

Edited by Cats on Friday 7th April 10:59


15,966 posts

129 months

Friday 7th April 2017
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go to Lemass in Ricksmansworth, bit of a trek but not too bad.

Or Lewis Mcauley has a small bodyshop , have a look on Facebook, young lad, very good.


9,762 posts

186 months

Friday 7th April 2017
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Riviera, Grazeley Green near Reading. Plenty of experience with fibreglass and best paint job I've had by a mile (and I was already happy with the paintwork I'd had elsewhere before).


Original Poster:

399 posts

233 months

Saturday 8th April 2017
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davek_964 said:
Riviera, Grazeley Green near Reading. Plenty of experience with fibreglass and best paint job I've had by a mile (and I was already happy with the paintwork I'd had elsewhere before).
Thanks they look very good


Original Poster:

399 posts

233 months

Saturday 8th April 2017
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Cats said:
Just rang them Pete
Still there at Passfield
Sorry Neil got them confused with Liphook Coachworks when talking to a guy at work.
Will try them next week and see what they say.


53,360 posts

295 months

Saturday 8th April 2017
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I'm also thinking of having the front end and mirrors resprayed as they're a bit stone chipped after 18 years. What sort of cost do people think I should be expecting for this?


8,641 posts

222 months

Monday 17th April 2017
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Bodytone, not far at all from Bracknell.

They do my race and road cars.


8,290 posts

220 months

Thursday 27th April 2017
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My 106 XSi project is currently with Claremont Coachworks:

Have a look at pages 11 & 12:

Can't recommend them highly enough.

If you give them a call, ask for Will and tell them that Dom with the Peugeot said to call (it's still there) and I'm sure he'll sort you out smile