A3 Northbound on 24 March


Mr Tidy

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25,535 posts

138 months

Saturday 25th March 2017
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Just curious - I avoided the M3 and M25 by using the A331, A31 and A3 and it was all going well.

But before I got to Burpham the A3 went stationary! frown

So does anyone know what went wrong (other than it being a Friday afternoon)!


469 posts

278 months


3,011 posts

192 months

Saturday 25th March 2017
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It was a very busy afternoon!

Mr Tidy

Original Poster:

25,535 posts

138 months

Saturday 25th March 2017
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Thanks SFV. thumbup

I got off the A3 at Ripley, went through Clandon and got on the A246, but a 35 mile journey still took me 2 and a half hours!

(Got home in 45 minutes though, despite the routine M3 closure - is that ever going to fcensoredg end?) laugh

Glad the cause was a breakdown though, rather than an accident. (Nobody injured that way).