Toad and frog spawn reqd



Original Poster:

7,904 posts

156 months

Saturday 18th March 2017
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I have rebuilt my pond and need some wildlife to go with it. Any PH on here ( or know of someone) who has a pond of spawn and wants rid of it?

Happy to collect within 5 mile or so of Bracknell

spurs coupe

294 posts

185 months

Saturday 18th March 2017
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In the Rolls?


3,633 posts

206 months

Sunday 19th March 2017
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No change of spawn in my ponds 150+ hungry Koi even eat the plants FFS
On the good side my new Cloverleaf treatment plant & two Grundfoss pumps works well smile

May install a 2nd one when I re-construct both pond in few weeks.
Swimming pool will be temporary home (cleaned out and all chemical removed)


Original Poster:

7,904 posts

156 months

Sunday 19th March 2017
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spurs coupe said:
In the Rolls?
Royce, my good man, Its a Royce!!!

hows married life going?

May have the opportunity of a spare ST at the New WHL..interested?

Thing is you have to use a womans name!