M4 to be ruined until at least 2022

M4 to be ruined until at least 2022



Original Poster:

2,849 posts

173 months

Thursday 16th March 2017
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Smart motorway scheme from j3-j12 starting, I'll add the link to highways agency later when I'm at a proper computer. The specs cameras are going in around j3 now and I guess this explains the activity around j8/9.

You'd think they might wait until the M3 and other local routes were done first.


Edited by 2gins on Thursday 16th March 12:32


231 posts

172 months

Thursday 16th March 2017
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Well, if the M3 works are anything to go by, 'at least' are the operative words!

If travelling between 20:00 and 05:30, you'll become very familiar with the secondary diversion routes, e.g. A4 through Slough.

Even a reasonable distance from the M3, I can still hear very low level vibration most nights. Mrs T can't hear it, but it drives me mad - I'd estimate a frequency lower than a mains hum and once you hear it, it is hard to ignore.

You have my sympathies.

Edited by DJT on Thursday 16th March 14:38


6,792 posts

126 months

Thursday 16th March 2017
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J8/9 is a separate thing altogether and should be finished this year as it is just bridge strengthening. These works are gonna severely bugger up my commute from Reading to Heathrow though frown


5,004 posts

161 months

Thursday 16th March 2017
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I thought the Government had told HE to limit motorway roadworks to a few miles and to investigate 60mph limits


15,966 posts

129 months

Thursday 16th March 2017
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2gins said:
Smart motorway scheme from j3-j12 starting, I'll add the link to highways agency later when I'm at a proper computer. The specs cameras are going in around j3 now and I guess this explains the activity around j8/9.

You'd think they might wait until the M3 and other local routes were done first.


Edited by 2gins on Thursday 16th March 12:32
Why wait, they'd only be delayed.

This is very bad news for me. But I'm hoping it will not effect me too much. The only time I really use the M4 now is going to Central London (not often) most other routes I use A34 / M40 / M1 , worst comes to worst can go up the A404 from 8/9 and avoid 8/9 to Jct 4 for the M25.

It is beggars belief, not that it matters. There are far too many crashes on that piece of road for road works to carry on.


2,481 posts

206 months

Thursday 16th March 2017
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I can pretty much guarantee it will be finished just in time for Heathrow to start building the runway over the M25. I probably ought to apologise as that may well be the job that sees me to retirement (hopefully, unless one of the other sharp elbowed bds I work with gets there first)