Alloy fuel tank maker in Surrey/Sussex?

Alloy fuel tank maker in Surrey/Sussex?



Original Poster:

700 posts

208 months

Wednesday 15th March 2017
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I have a steel fuel tank on my kit car that has rusted quite a lot so I want to replace with an alloy tank, which will need to be made bespoke.
I would prefer to deal with someone locally so I can take the current tank and then pick up etc.
Can anyone recommend anyone?

Total loss

2,138 posts

238 months

Wednesday 15th March 2017
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alolympic said:
I have a steel fuel tank on my kit car that has rusted quite a lot so I want to replace with an alloy tank, which will need to be made bespoke.
I would prefer to deal with someone locally so I can take the current tank and then pick up etc.
Can anyone recommend anyone?
I can recommend Andy Robinson Race cars, midway between Reading & Basingstoke. A bit further than you maybe wanted, but open 6 days & long hours,till 7.00pm most days + you never know what interesting cars will be in the workshop