So whats going on under M4 J8/9 ?.

So whats going on under M4 J8/9 ?.



Original Poster:

292 posts

167 months

Monday 13th March 2017
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I drive for a living and spend the day whizzing up and down the M4.
Just recently there has been a fair bit of activity on the cleared ground under M4 J8/9 westbound.

Seen quite a few cars and vans parked up under there, and a few weeks back there was a large manhole open and some guy was climbing out.
Then today i notice a unmarked white Tanker parked in there with a hose connected up. Obviously filling something up.

Done some digging online and cant really find anything as to what could be under M4 J8/9.
Wondering if its some kind of emergency shelter or something ?.

Anyone know anything ?.


6,759 posts

216 months

Tuesday 14th March 2017
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Is this just not preparing for the HQ of the site that will be building the smart motorway j3-j12 for the next 7 years starting next year?


19,083 posts

290 months

Wednesday 22nd March 2017
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Well they've been screwing with the roundabouts there for about 3 years with ensuing chaos in the surrounding area.

Edit: just realised that's J6!