Good bodyshop in NE Hants/Surrey

Good bodyshop in NE Hants/Surrey



Original Poster:

7,651 posts

267 months

Sunday 12th March 2017
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Can anyone recommend a good insurance approved bodyshop in the Alton, Bordon, Farnham, Haslemere area? Our 2 year old Seat Leon was parked across our drive entrance as the drive itself was full, neighbour opposite reversed out of their drive without looking expecting there to be a gap and caved the drivers door in. banghead
Insurance have put us onto their approved place in Aldershot who will be contacting us tomorrow but googling them the reviews are rather mixed so I'm looking for alternatives.


2,438 posts

258 months

Sunday 12th March 2017
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I've used Joe Middleton a number of times (Worplesdon based -so slightly further than your original area).
Has sorted a few things (dents/creases, rust Restoration etc) on cars I've owned.
I believe a few of the independent garages in Guildford use/recommend him too, (Which is where I got the refer from a few years ago)

Middleton Motors
Unit 25, Martlands Industrial Estate, Woking, Surrey, GU22 0RQ
01483 234922


11,622 posts

254 months

Sunday 12th March 2017
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Tom Horsborough just outside Kingsley is excellent


Original Poster:

7,651 posts

267 months

Sunday 12th March 2017
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HiAsAKite said:
I've used Joe Middleton a number of times (Worplesdon based -so slightly further than your original area).
Thanks, probably a bit far away unfortunately but will keep it in mind

ClaphamGT3 said:
Tom Horsborough just outside Kingsley is excellent
That would be ideal location wise and I've seen him mentioned on here when I did a search but most of those posts seemed to be about 10 years ago and googling didn't reveal the name of the company where he actually worked, any ideas?

Edited by LocoBlade on Sunday 12th March 20:28


11,622 posts

254 months

Sunday 12th March 2017
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If you pm me, I'll give you his mobile number