Roofing company in Camberley

Roofing company in Camberley



Original Poster:

609 posts

191 months

Friday 10th March 2017
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My garage roof needs replacing; any recommendation for a company to use, its a flat roof if that makes any difference



320 posts

159 months

Friday 10th March 2017
quotequote all
TM Roofing and building in Fleet 01252 851719. Trevor's bit of a rallyist but excellent roofer.


2,438 posts

258 months

Friday 10th March 2017
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Grumbly said:
TM Roofing and building in Fleet 01252 851719. Trevor's bit of a rallyist but excellent roofer.
Had a good experience from these guys. Possibly not cheapest, but didn't try to sell me stuff I didn't need or want unlike some,


Original Poster:

609 posts

191 months

Friday 10th March 2017
quotequote all
Thanks both, will give him a call