Paint repair near Camberley

Paint repair near Camberley



Original Poster:

79 posts

112 months

Monday 6th March 2017
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I just bought a red Civic EP3 Type R and it needs a little work doing to make it look like new, just a couple of minor scratches. The wingmirrors also need a complete re-spray as they're very pink. Can anyone recommend anywhere, or should I go with Chipsaway?


4,628 posts

212 months

Monday 6th March 2017
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I had some work done on my (also red) Mini JCW by these guys in Camberley late last year


2,193 posts

226 months

Tuesday 7th March 2017
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TGM in Fleet have a bodyshop. They are also arguably the best Honda specialist in the south east for when you want any work/servicing done. Always very happy with service I've had their on a variety of cars although not used the bodyshop.