Small Panel Repair - Basingstoke/Reading Area

Small Panel Repair - Basingstoke/Reading Area


Mad March Taffy

Original Poster:

508 posts

130 months

Friday 3rd March 2017
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Can anyone recommend a decent place to get a small scrape on the rear wheel arch of my X5 repaired? Just needs rubbing down and painting - no filling - have not tried Chips Away etc yet - wanted to see if there was any other route out there. Sort of job that someone might do for cash, I was thinking...



28,377 posts

295 months

Friday 3rd March 2017
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I actually use the Basingstoke Chips Away! They were very good and not overly expensive...

Mad March Taffy

Original Poster:

508 posts

130 months

Friday 3rd March 2017
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Thanks, Don! Will give them a call !