Anybody bought from Auto Options Direct / Sandhurst?

Anybody bought from Auto Options Direct / Sandhurst?



Original Poster:

9,765 posts

186 months

Tuesday 28th February 2017
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I've been toying with the idea of adding another car to the fleet. They had a model in stock which I'm interested in, so having never really seen one I stopped by today simply so that I could see what they're like in the flesh.

I liked it. Enough that I'm now seriously tempted.

I need to have a proper look at it, and test drive it / check paperwork etc. But curious if anybody has bought from them and whether it was a positive experience? Had a nice chat with the guy that was there, which seemed like a good start.

Mr Tidy

25,535 posts

138 months

Friday 3rd March 2017
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No personal experience, but I walked past their showroom a few weeks ago and liked nearly everything they had!

You could try posting the same question on Z4 Forum - someone on there bought a Z4 Roadster from them a week or so ago!