Scrapping a car



Original Poster:

1,857 posts

210 months

Friday 24th February 2017
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Probably an age old question ... I need to scrap my mother's old car. Functionally working, but hasn't been started in quite a few months. She is 72 ... my mother obviously.

As I probably will not be around to manage it, I need someone reliable, honest and pleasant! Not so bothered about getting some cash back for it, but that would be a welcome bonus.

Car is in Sutton ...


2,142 posts

156 months

Friday 24th February 2017
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If cash isn't a concern, your local fire station might collect it for free, my local one advertises this service.


78,057 posts

293 months

Friday 24th February 2017
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What car is it? biggrin


3,011 posts

192 months

Friday 24th February 2017
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Fire brigade are always looking for cars to train on

Mr Tidy

25,535 posts

138 months

Monday 27th February 2017
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Yes, Fire Brigade for sure!

I had a car to scrap when I lived in Westfield Road, Sutton.

Had a chat with the fire brigade just up the road; they said they would have it so a mate and I pushed it up the road and into their yard - job done!

lucido grigio

44,044 posts

174 months

Monday 27th February 2017
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Mr Tidy said:
Yes, Fire Brigade for sure!

I had a car to scrap when I lived in Westfield Road, Sutton.

Had a chat with the fire brigade just up the road; they said they would have it so a mate and I pushed it up the road and into their yard - job done!
I hope they have a rear entrance ,rather that than pushing it on the 217.....eeksmile