A30 Camberley road layout improvement, have your say

A30 Camberley road layout improvement, have your say



Original Poster:

3,011 posts

192 months

Friday 24th February 2017
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I received an email from my Son's school, with a leaflet from Surrey County Council. They are going to be attempting to improve the A30 around Camberley and there is a questionnaire to fill in.

I hadn't seen anything about this, so thought I'd pass it on.
It seems they want to make adjustments to the bus lane, which in my opinion will cause more traffic chaos.

Anyway, here is the link



9,767 posts

186 months

Friday 24th February 2017
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Hmm - looks like the 40mph speed limit is not long for this world.

Maybe that's how they get people walking and cycling - keep reducing the speed limits to the point where walking and cycling is actually faster?

Mr Tidy

25,535 posts

138 months

Saturday 25th February 2017
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davek_964 said:
Hmm - looks like the 40mph speed limit is not long for this world.

Maybe that's how they get people walking and cycling - keep reducing the speed limits to the point where walking and cycling is actually faster?
Probably the plan, but does anyone actually walk or cycle? Certainly not the lazy-arse tw*ts that offer to represent us, and then do nothing we want done! mad


1,403 posts

239 months

Saturday 25th February 2017
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Not sure how reducing it to 30 would help - isn't that junction (the "blackspot") light controlled anyway? And doing away with the buslane means I won't be able to zip up it during offpeak hours past all the sheep sitting in the right hand lane for 30 mins or so !

Eric Mc

123,265 posts

276 months

Saturday 25th February 2017
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Already, driving over 30 might seriously damage your car - given the state of the road surface.


9,767 posts

186 months

Saturday 25th February 2017
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dreamer75 said:
Not sure how reducing it to 30 would help - isn't that junction (the "blackspot") light controlled anyway? And doing away with the buslane means I won't be able to zip up it during offpeak hours past all the sheep sitting in the right hand lane for 30 mins or so !
Yeah, people just don't read the signs do they.

That junction had a few accidents recently because the red light for turning right into Frimley road was broken - for many weeks. That seemed to result in quite a few people thinking that they could turn right into oncoming traffic. I use that turning coming home from work and I think I saw two.