Illegal 'traveller' camp being built - Little London, Hants?

Illegal 'traveller' camp being built - Little London, Hants?



Original Poster:

3,930 posts

115 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2017
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Localish to me, anybody else heard about this? Apparently, trees being felled, hardcore being laid. Apparently, an injunction has been served but maybe isn't being obeyed.

Now this could be curtain twitching social media bs with exaggeration, but it doesn't sound awesome.


65 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2017
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Happened to me in Pangbourne around 15 or so years ago and took about a year to get rid iirc.

Scum the lot of them - smashing up pubs, stealing from shops etc.


Original Poster:

3,930 posts

115 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2017
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Here apparently. Maybe closer to Silchester, than LL:


218 posts

244 months

Friday 24th February 2017
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Apparantly so. I'm localish too (other side of A340) and have a couple of friends in Little London. All are a bit concerned.