A30 Long term damage?



Original Poster:

11,269 posts

161 months

Friday 17th February 2017
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With the M3 roadworks, and the obvious additional traffic that has been using the A30, I assume that the A30 will be taking a physical pounding?
I know that there are part of it in Camberley in very poor condition.
Will be see a situation where we need to have major works on the A30 to repair this?


3,633 posts

206 months

Friday 17th February 2017
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The A30 has taken a pounding and some of the link roads and other diversion routes
throughout the area.
Now if the relevant County Council Highways had some balls they would push for some funding from Highways England to carry out this work.
But as we know they need to grow some first.

On another note I have another pothole damage claim on its way to SCC.
So maybe some attention to pot hole damage should be included.

Yeah like nothing will happen - spineless censored


4,628 posts

212 months

Friday 17th February 2017
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Some real bone shakers through Camberley now. Not sure how many years until they're sorted, but hopefully before it rips one of my wheels off..

Mr Tidy

25,535 posts

138 months

Monday 20th February 2017
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krisdelta said:
Some real bone shakers through Camberley now. Not sure how many years until they're sorted, but hopefully before it rips one of my wheels off..
I wouldn't recommend holding your breath.....!


Original Poster:

11,269 posts

161 months

Tuesday 21st February 2017
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Reported this to Surrey Highways this morning.
They have said that they will respond withing 28 days.
Watch this space.


Original Poster:

11,269 posts

161 months

Tuesday 21st February 2017
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Trevatanus said:
Reported this to Surrey Highways this morning.
They have said that they will respond withing 28 days.
Watch this space.
That was quick!
"Dear Customer

Thank you for your recent report.

Reference number: SQ-991774
Details: Carriageway Defect - Uneven - rutting,humps etc

We have visited the site and have identified the safety problem. We can confirm that this safety problem has previously been reported and works to resolve the issue will take place within 28 days.

There are many pothole patches and it is this that is making the rough ride.
This area will be subject to resurfacing in the future. We have no dates for this to start and is dependant on funding.

If you would like more information on how we prioritise our works please visit:



Mr G Moss
Local Highway Officer
Surrey Highways "

Mr Tidy

25,535 posts

138 months

Wednesday 22nd February 2017
quotequote all
Trevatanus said:
That was quick!
"Dear Customer

Thank you for your recent report.

Reference number: SQ-991774
Details: Carriageway Defect - Uneven - rutting,humps etc

We have visited the site and have identified the safety problem. We can confirm that this safety problem has previously been reported and works to resolve the issue will take place within 28 days.

There are many pothole patches and it is this that is making the rough ride.
This area will be subject to resurfacing in the future. We have no dates for this to start and is dependant on funding.

If you would like more information on how we prioritise our works please visit:



Mr G Moss
Local Highway Officer
Surrey Highways "
So like I said "don't hold your breath" - as in F-all will happen (as usual)!

Half a lane for cars down the A331 for about 6 months while the bicycle lane is created that may get used twice a year, if it is busy!

Total waste of space! (Apart from when there is a photo opportunity for a local councillor - who really needs stabilisers on his bicycle)!

Surrey Heath BC are reportedly having a "consultation" on A30 issues, but as I live a mile away in Crapnell Forest BC I doubt I can participate as I am not a Surrey Heath "Customer"! What a load of Cr*p!

Shame local councillors don't have to start their working day at or before 9 a.m. like normal WORKING people with real jobs have to do!

Enjoy your desk-bound virtual world Mr Moss!