100+ EVO mags going free - Reading area

100+ EVO mags going free - Reading area



Original Poster:

915 posts

245 months

Saturday 14th January 2017
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Hi PHers,

Time for that January clean out and I have approx 100 or so EVO mags to go to a new home. Numbers are 100-210'ish. Most are decent condition. If anyone wants them I'm East Reading and be ideal if you can scoop them up this weekend.

First to say they want them gets them (reply to thread) but need to be collected ASAP as GF says they are hogging space.




946 posts

113 months

Monday 16th January 2017
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Hi Simon I'm localish could I come and get them tomorrow evening if they aren't already gone? Cheers


Original Poster:

915 posts

245 months

Monday 16th January 2017
quotequote all
Purso said:
Hi Simon I'm localish could I come and get them tomorrow evening if they aren't already gone? Cheers
Hi Purso, yes that would work (do you mean Monday eve or Tue? Either is good)

PM me for address details

