Firewood supplier - Ascot area

Firewood supplier - Ascot area


Ranger 6

Original Poster:

7,279 posts

260 months

Saturday 7th January 2017
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Looking for a firewood supplier in the Sunningdale/Ascot area. We have used the Lyne Farm shop in recent years, they just turn up with a pickup and dump them - prices have increased substantially so any suggestions welcome smile


2,142 posts

156 months

Saturday 7th January 2017
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I believe due to more people installing and 'green' power stations burning pellets wood prices have definitely crept up in past 5 years. I haven't used them or know whether price competitive to your current, as I have access to two tree surgeons, although they're based next to Beaumont forest timber merchants in swinley forest.

Ranger 6

Original Poster:

7,279 posts

260 months

Saturday 7th January 2017
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Thanks - one of our neighbours uses them. Once you've taken off the 10% 'royal' surcharge, yes, they are competitive wink


4,628 posts

212 months

Saturday 7th January 2017
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I use wildwood logs, they stack the wood where ever you need it, which is nice.


2,142 posts

156 months

Saturday 7th January 2017
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Remembered we've used these before, nice well seasoned logs.

Ranger 6

Original Poster:

7,279 posts

260 months

Sunday 8th January 2017
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Many thanks - more useful info smile