Work Experience - IT company

Work Experience - IT company



Original Poster:

5,252 posts

278 months

Tuesday 3rd January 2017
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My son is currently studying his GCSE and has the chance to do a 1 week work experience placement. I am trying to find something relevant to his interests. He is interested in IT and Programming and learning python.

Can any friendly pistonheaders offer any places around Woking/Guildford that could offer work experience places to a GCSE Student.

Many Thanks


Melman Giraffe

6,794 posts

229 months

Wednesday 4th January 2017
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Windsor any good?


Original Poster:

5,252 posts

278 months

Wednesday 4th January 2017
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Hi thanks, but will be a struggle travelling.

Not many companies seem to offer places anymore due to health and safety


292 posts

167 months

Sunday 8th January 2017
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My son did work experience recently at CISCO down at green park.
He is at UTC Reading, and they sent a bunch of about 15 students down there at once.

He said it was really well planned out, and he learned quite alot in his short time there and enjoyed it too.