Body shop in Woking vs. mobile repair

Body shop in Woking vs. mobile repair



Original Poster:

3,244 posts

270 months

Wednesday 9th November 2016
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The missus has cleverly managed to scrape three panels of her Qashqai against a wall. I'd rather not blow the insurance NCD so I'm looking for a value for money solution.

I used to use Ian at Spraytech. He was brilliant. Unfortunately he's sold up. Anyone used Spraytech under new ownership?

I know of Autocraft in West End. Anyone used them?

One final question: I see mobile repair services like AutoRestore seem to get reasonable reviews on TrustPilot and the like. It's not an Aston and to be fair my wife will probably only ding it again the moment it gets repaired so convenience and cost are king. Anyone tried them?


42,678 posts

275 months

Wednesday 9th November 2016
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I used to use Ian at spray tech too, not used the new guy who has taken over yet

Used to use Middleton motors here, i've not used him for some years but a couple of my friends have and recommend him


Original Poster:

3,244 posts

270 months

Thursday 10th November 2016
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Thanks Vixpy. I'll have a wander down there as they're not far from me.

spurs coupe

294 posts

185 months

Thursday 10th November 2016
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I used Ben when the postman crashed into out new scenic about a year ago.

Fast and friendly, great value in my opinion.

Bssed in St Johns Woking


Original Poster:

3,244 posts

270 months

Friday 11th November 2016
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407 posts

182 months

Monday 26th December 2016
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Where did you end up getting the car done in the end pls? My Mrs scrapped the bumper on her M3 parking the other day, only plastic damaged luckily, but bloody annoying. Any recommendations for someone who specialises in bumper scrapes appreciated smile


Original Poster:

3,244 posts

270 months

Tuesday 27th December 2016
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Slightly annoyingly my missus wasn't keen on going somewhere she had to learn a new route (I know, pathetic!) so my suggestions fell on deaf ears.

She ended up at Spraytech - the new guy seems affable but when the car came back there's a clear line where the new paint has not blended well with the old. I'm sure if she takes it back he seems like the kind of guy who will happily correct it, but when I suggested this to her she rolled her eyes and sighed. Well, it's her car I guess...

Moral: always follow PH advice!


Original Poster:

3,244 posts

270 months

Tuesday 27th December 2016
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Just to add: to be fair, he did a good job of repairing the plastic wheel arch lining which I thought looked unrepairable and resprayed a wing mirror housing for free.

slk 32

1,505 posts

204 months

Tuesday 27th December 2016
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I used littleknocks over at Wokingham after some previous recommendations on here.

Really pleased with the job, £150 for a bumper scrape which now looks as good as new.


407 posts

182 months

Tuesday 27th December 2016
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Cheers guys, I make some calls in the new year (the chances of my wife sorting it out are close to none, she puts fuel in it, everything else is down to me and thinking about it I had better check the tyres, oil etc.)