Travellers in Palmer Park, Reading

Travellers in Palmer Park, Reading



Original Poster:

1,011 posts

128 months

Sunday 6th November 2016
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Hallo PH,

Does anyone know anything about the recent takeover of most of the green area around the Palmer Park stadium in Reading? I have just moved back to the area and was surprised to see a Bentley towing a caravan down Wokingham road, into the car park area and then onto the grass. They've churned up the turf and a lot of plastic and paper rubbish is blowing around.... ;-(

Just wondering if anyone knows if they're there legally or maybe if they're going to move off anytime soon???


779 posts

158 months

Sunday 6th November 2016
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Ha, I spotted that Bentley in there too! Porsche Macan and a few Audis / BMWs too smile idea if they're allowed to be there but very much doubt it.


1,270 posts

152 months

Sunday 6th November 2016
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Hell no are they allowed to be there! Council where meant to have started evicting them at the start of last week but when I went past on Thursday there were more there.

Its amazing what vehicles you can get when you pay no rent, income tax or fines (well, the council never bother to fine them anyway) & get your 'home' from a motorway service station whilst the 'previous owners' are inside getting something to eat. furious


295 posts

200 months

Sunday 6th November 2016
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They've all pitched up in the centre of Jennetts Park, Bracknell. So far they've run one lady dog walker over while driving over the footpaths and play areas...

Bentleys are here with the Porsches.


1,270 posts

152 months

Monday 7th November 2016
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starmonkey said:
So far they've run one lady dog walker over while driving over the footpaths and play areas...
& whats being done about that I wonder?

Old Merc

3,624 posts

178 months

Monday 7th November 2016
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Why don't a team from HMRC/VAT/NI etc turn up and demand a copy of their self assessment forms for the last seven years.
Then seize the Bentley`s and Porsche`s until they do.

Eric Mc

123,273 posts

276 months

Monday 7th November 2016
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Because they can't.

Old Merc

3,624 posts

178 months

Monday 7th November 2016
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Eric Mc said:
Because they can't.
Or they are scared? must not upset an ethnic minority group,its race discrimination.

You and I have to submit our self assessment every year without fail.If its late,"T" not crossed or a mistake we are in trouble.


295 posts

200 months

Monday 7th November 2016
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Winky151 said:
& whats being done about that I wonder?
Nothing, several witnesses but Police have said it could have just been an accident. A very slow accident...on a footpath...


Original Poster:

1,011 posts

128 months

Monday 7th November 2016
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Just came home from work, living 2 minutes from Palmer - had a in a manky white van try and get through a single lane passing place and rage at me when I got through first - they've got to find a way to fine these imbeciles, heavily, or like someone just said - confiscate their cars until they're providing a proof of income. wink


Original Poster:

1,011 posts

128 months

Monday 7th November 2016
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starmonkey said:
They've all pitched up in the centre of Jennetts Park, Bracknell. So far they've run one lady dog walker over while driving over the footpaths and play areas...

Bentleys are here with the Porsches.
Looks like you're right, they've left bags of rubbish on the grass and it's a state. Jennetts Park is now ground zero. Wonder how they'd feel if someone dumped rubbish in their homes. :/

It makes me laugh, the failings of Reading Borough Council. When I was a student at the uni, I got fined when RBC failed to collect our waste for a few weeks. I put some envelopes in the bin in Palmer Park. Someone actually fished my litter out, photo & fined me for it. Now look at the state of the park! Hope that same pr!ck is having to sort out this mess! smile

(-. -)


3,930 posts

115 months

Monday 7th November 2016
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This behaviour bothers me *far* more than immigration from the EU; it's a daily problem where I live.

I'll believe we have taken control once this section of our community adheres to our laws.

Edited by paul789 on Monday 7th November 20:30


2,062 posts

146 months

Monday 7th November 2016
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They arrived last month by my work in Sidcup. These were Irish plates with a few Macans bentleys etc. The Police went in after a month with about 50 officers from Bromley and surrounding areas with a few Armed cops too all with the helicopter flying above.

Before they left they were charging the locals to dump there rubbish in the site they were in.