West Berks Potholes



Original Poster:

580 posts

195 months

Wednesday 2nd November 2016
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West Berks is on another round of cost-cutting and us seeking views on reducing highway maintenance and filling-in potholes.

I am putting forth my views. If anyone wants to do the same, the consultation web-form is at http://info.westberks.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=...


4,492 posts

245 months

Thursday 3rd November 2016
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Truffles said:
West Berks is on another round of cost-cutting and us seeking views on reducing highway maintenance and filling-in potholes.

I am putting forth my views. If anyone wants to do the same, the consultation web-form is at http://info.westberks.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=...
frown Although to be honest, the amount of maintenance done at the moment is so minimal, that I doubt reducing the budget further will make any noticeable difference.


3,633 posts

206 months

Friday 4th November 2016
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Well having made several successful claims against local highway authorities for damage sustained
to my vehicles caused by defective roads I will head into West Berkshire next time I need a couple of new tyres.

Mr Tidy

25,540 posts

138 months

Tuesday 8th November 2016
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You may be able to cut your travel costs - East Berks is similarly shambolic!


3,633 posts

206 months

Tuesday 8th November 2016
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Driven into Guildford lately ?
Woodbridge Road as you approach from Lady Mead (A3)end.
The road surface is a mass of pot holes and considering this is
one on the main routes into the town its a disgrace.
SCC hang your heads in shame - wkers.


9,658 posts

148 months

Tuesday 8th November 2016
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Austerity, ain't it?


5,706 posts

131 months

Tuesday 8th November 2016
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I filled in the survey. Roads are bad enough as is, we don't need them worse!


10,814 posts

213 months

Tuesday 8th November 2016
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Done . Poor drain maintenance was cited as a factor in the flooding we had back in 2014

I had to change the 18" wheels to 17"s on our last car as they kept getting buckled on our roads