Good dentist in Reading area??

Good dentist in Reading area??



Original Poster:

915 posts

245 months

Tuesday 1st November 2016
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Hi PHers'

Does anyone had a recommendation for a good dentist in the Reading area. We've moved back this way and the old place I used to go in Twyford has shut (been turned into a vets apparently). Am I right in assuming pretty much nowehere takes NHS these days so will have to pay private? Not a problem but we have a 18 month old so would like to get her on the books too.

Thanks in advance



1,270 posts

152 months

Tuesday 1st November 2016
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The Gallery in Maiden Place Lower Earley. They don't do work thats not necessary unlike some dentists friends & colleagues use. Friendly staff & decent dentists. My wife & I see different dentists as she was registered there years before we got together & have no complaints about either. I've also seen another as an emergency & got the same service.


153 posts

240 months

Wednesday 2nd November 2016
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Try Beechcroft Dental Practice in Wokingham....

I hear one of the dentists there frequents PH wink


Original Poster:

915 posts

245 months

Wednesday 2nd November 2016
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Thanks Winky and Cristiaan. I will check those out. A PHer who is a dentist! Any link to their profile so I can have a look at their car and decide if they charge too much :-)

MX-5 Lazza

7,954 posts

230 months

Wednesday 2nd November 2016
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A bit further out but The Tooth Booth in Finchampstead is still taking new NHS patients.


153 posts

240 months

Thursday 3rd November 2016
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Link to profile is over there (desktop)

or up there ^^^ (mobile)

Edited by Christiaan on Thursday 3rd November 19:20


7,981 posts

155 months

Wednesday 9th November 2016
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I use Greystone Dental on London Rd, on the one way in to town between Cemetery Junction and RBH (at the bottom of Alexandra Rd) - private practice but not too heavy on costs, with excellent service. Definitely recommend them.


6,792 posts

126 months

Tuesday 15th November 2016
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Anyone use the practice next to Earley Station? Need to get a wisdom tooth removed.


612 posts

214 months

Tuesday 15th November 2016
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HappyMidget said:
Anyone use the practice next to Earley Station? Need to get a wisdom tooth removed.
I'd be keeping it if I were you :-)


2,150 posts

170 months

Wednesday 16th November 2016
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HappyMidget said:
Anyone use the practice next to Earley Station? Need to get a wisdom tooth removed.
No, but Mrs Wisdom had a WT extracted at Puresmiles just a bit further up the Wokingham Rd towards the Three Tuns. Given she was nervous as a nervous thing and came away happy I suspect it was good (she has the ability to criticise to destruction if standards are not met!!)