Good/honest kitchen fitter wanted - Bracknell area

Good/honest kitchen fitter wanted - Bracknell area


daddy cool

Original Poster:

4,035 posts

240 months

Tuesday 18th October 2016
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Does anyone have any recommendations for a builder/kitchen fitter in/around the Bracknell area?

Im looking for someone that will basically do the whole job, in terms of:
• Sourcing the kitchen from a supplier (eg Howdens etc)
• Fitting it
• Doing all the extras (floor and wall tiles)
• Subcontracting where required (electrics and plumbing)
• Trustworthy person
• Provides a detailed quote at the start, and sticks to it or keeps me updated where additional costs are being incurred

(That said, i'd be happy help where i can to reduce costs - taking old kitchen apart, painting, ordering bits and bobs)

It’s a galley kitchen in a modest 2-bed flat, so im looking for a simple clean budget kitchen, rather than something fit for Hugh Heffner’s pad.

Would a budget of max £7,500 all-in be reasonable? (Kitchen + new Oven + maybe a dishwasher)

Im going to get representative quotes from Wickes & B&Q, but would prefer to use a good local quy rather than one of these. Got a quote (parts only) from Howdens a year ago but seemed very expensive.
This is from their mock-up plans:

PM’s welcome in case you don’t want to put someones details online


Edited by daddy cool on Wednesday 19th October 15:05


7,905 posts

156 months

Tuesday 18th October 2016
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There is a chap ( a PH er) who lives in Bracknell who does great Double glazing. I think he might also do kitchens ,but not sure. Cannot remember his name,( please accept my apologies) but gets 100% from me.
He is highly recommended on here.
Some with a better memory, or the guy himself may pop up with the answer


daddy cool

Original Poster:

4,035 posts

240 months

Tuesday 18th October 2016
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Well, funnily enough I do also have a couple of double-glazed window panes that have blown and need replacing, so hopefully this mystery man will show his face!


14,126 posts

212 months

Tuesday 18th October 2016
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Was it Roy?

He has moved along M4, if so.


7,905 posts

156 months

Wednesday 19th October 2016
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Got him in one. Excellent work, bugger that he has now moved, was wanting a quote for a small window and sliding door!

OP Ask , he can only say no


1,053 posts

221 months

Wednesday 19th October 2016
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Sunningdale Developments are brilliant and not far from you.

Colin RedGriff

2,539 posts

268 months

Wednesday 19th October 2016
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I've used Colin Brown from nufit and would recommend him.

Some reviews from the Little Green Book


9,465 posts

182 months

Friday 11th November 2016
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I'm sure it's just a rouh render but if I was paying £7.5k for a kitchen that size I would be specking an under-mounted sink and an induction hob