Travellers Got Talent - Coming to Camberley

Travellers Got Talent - Coming to Camberley



Original Poster:

11,269 posts

161 months

Friday 10th June 2016
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Lots of the travelling community heading to Camberley over the next few weeks.
I am told there are 40 Caravans at M&S Car Park currently.
Could get interesting.


8,577 posts

248 months

Friday 10th June 2016
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Spotted them in M&S last night. M&S usually find a way to move them on sharpish, but I suspect they'll have their work cut out for them if this is the advance party for July.


3,011 posts

192 months

Friday 10th June 2016
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There was a group on Frimley Green, they were there 1 or 2 nights until they'd had enough. The residents set up some sort of "Ring of steel" around the green according to the press.


Original Poster:

11,269 posts

161 months

Friday 10th June 2016
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I expect the "cancel all leave" cry to be issued to the Boys in Blue any day now



4,628 posts

212 months

Friday 10th June 2016
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Same rules as for anyone, hopefully. If you misbehave and leave a disgusting and dangerous mess like the travelers did in Heatherside last year - then they should be sent on a one way trip to the sun, otherwise live and let live. I wouldn't live in a caravan and I suspect they wouldn't be all that keen on a house....hippy


2,370 posts

223 months

Friday 10th June 2016
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There was an infestation of them on one of the empty bits of land by B&Q/Asda in Farnborough on monday night.


231 posts

172 months

Friday 10th June 2016
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JungleJim said:
There was an infestation of them on one of the empty bits of land by B&Q/Asda in Farnborough on monday night.
Yesterday mornning they had gone. Replaced by their waste. Why use a bin, when you can just move on.


250 posts

148 months

Saturday 11th June 2016
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JungleJim said:
There was an infestation of them on one of the empty bits of land by B&Q/Asda in Farnborough on monday night.


11,752 posts

241 months

Saturday 11th June 2016
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They had some on R4 a few weeks ago bleating about how everyone is racist & how unfair it was & how important it was to preserve their unique way of life.

Didn't seem to understand that stting on the grass is not really an aspiration for most.

They were over at Cookham last week.


42,678 posts

275 months

Saturday 11th June 2016
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JungleJim said:
There was an infestation of them on one of the empty bits of land by B&Q/Asda in Farnborough on monday night.
Same group who then invaded frimley green


256 posts

129 months

Saturday 11th June 2016
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Confirmed this morning there were about 40 vans/trucks parked in M&S Camberley.
The rest of the car park was very empty, which for a Saturday morning says it all really.
I didn’t see any sign of them in the store, but I suspect they’ve already done their “shopping” as they’ve been there a couple of days.


8,577 posts

248 months

Saturday 11th June 2016
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Perhaps they've just released a new clothing line?

Last season's 'Mrs M&S':

New 'Miss Gypsy' range:

Mr Tidy

25,535 posts

138 months

Saturday 11th June 2016
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Eric Mc

123,259 posts

276 months

Sunday 12th June 2016
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Which line up is M&S and which is the Gypsy one?


6,759 posts

216 months

Sunday 12th June 2016
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I wonder if they are the same ones from near Theale train station.


250 posts

148 months

Sunday 12th June 2016
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Gone from M&S now


8,577 posts

248 months

Monday 13th June 2016
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Cue heavy duty height barriers being put up at the entrance to car parks all over the area...


7,305 posts

186 months

Monday 13th June 2016
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So, inconveniences and incoming s aside, does anyone else think that the show itself will just be the most hysterically disturbing caterwauling that Camberley theatre has ever held and will descend into a level of carnage not seen since PJ & Duncan played there in the 90s. Whoever took that booking must be working their bloody notice if they haven't left already.


Original Poster:

11,269 posts

161 months

Monday 13th June 2016
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omgus said:
Whoever took that booking must be working their bloody notice if they haven't left already.
I understand that they turned up, paid in cash and it was only after they had left that it became clear what had been booked.


7,305 posts

186 months

Monday 13th June 2016
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Trevatanus said:
omgus said:
Whoever took that booking must be working their bloody notice if they haven't left already.
I understand that they turned up, paid in cash and it was only after they had left that it became clear what had been booked.
As that old surrey proverb says "Anyone round here who takes a large cash booking for a venue without checking what will be happening on the night probably deserves the seats to be ripped out when the wrong overly made up umpa-lumpa wins and the audience start to demonstrate their displeasure."