What a surprise! M3 upgrades to over-run!

What a surprise! M3 upgrades to over-run!



Original Poster:

11,186 posts

155 months

Wednesday 23rd March 2016
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An absolute f***ing joke.
We have had to put up with this st which was (according to the last sign I read) due to finish December 2016, now it's summer 2017.



523 posts

147 months

Wednesday 23rd March 2016
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And it will still be three lanes of patchy potholed tarmac.


494 posts

171 months

Wednesday 23rd March 2016
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I'm not surprised it's taking so long...I've never actually seen anyone doing any work!


8,577 posts

242 months

Wednesday 23rd March 2016
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"during more than a million man hours of work".

Maybe they shipped in a million men and they all did an hour one night when no-one was looking?

There was a massive pothole in lane 2 between J3 and J4 I didn't see the other day which nearly took my OS front wheel off!

Quoted for posterity:

"the additional construction should mean it would not need to carry out any future scheduled maintenance work for five years after completion"

Ohrolleyes right

Edited by FurtiveFreddy on Wednesday 23 March 10:24


3,633 posts

200 months

Wednesday 23rd March 2016
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FurtiveFreddy said:
"during more than a million man hours of work".

Maybe they shipped in a million men and they all did an hour one night when no-one was looking?

There was a massive pothole in lane 2 between J3 and J4 I didn't see the other day which nearly took my OS front wheel off!

Quoted for posterity:

"the additional construction should mean it would not need to carry out any future scheduled maintenance work for five years after completion"

Ohrolleyes right

Edited by FurtiveFreddy on Wednesday 23 March 10:24
Try claiming for that one, how can you stop and photograph it and get some dimensions.
Anything over 40mm deep is classed as requiring emergency attention.
I claimed twice for pothole damage from SCC Higbways and both times got paid in full within 3 months
but you need photos and some information on the offending hole.
Perhaps we need a "wksy" to go around a spray them up.



4,592 posts

206 months

Thursday 24th March 2016
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Wonderful news.. it can make or break a journey so much that I now avoid it at all costs (and I live 2 miles from junction 4a) and go cross country to the M25 at Chertsey.

Mr Tidy

23,767 posts

132 months

Friday 25th March 2016
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To be honest I don't think it will make much difference!

Speed limit when they finish it will probably never be more than 50, if the M25 J12 to J11 is anything to go by!

I tend to use the A331 and A31 to get to the A3 now to avoid the pain of the M3 and the stretch of M25 I mentioned.

Lately I have been round Chertsey quite often coming home because the signs say the M3 is shut.....but when I cross it it's open. Hopeless!


231 posts

166 months

Friday 1st April 2016
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2 1/4 years was already too long. So basically, it's going to take nearly as half as long as WWII to re-tarmac a hard shoulder, erect some LED signs and re-paint the lines. (Strange analogy I know, but I can't help thinking about all the amazing infrastructure feats achieved when there was a will and means to do so). Now we seem to undertake these infrastructure projects with a kind of hobbyist attitude - we'll get a bit done when time allows. Depressing.


9,212 posts

179 months

Friday 1st April 2016
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I remember driving to pick up my newly born Son in November '14 thinking, "he'll be nearly 2 when these works have finished"


231 posts

166 months

Friday 1st April 2016
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eybic said:
I remember driving to pick up my newly born Son in November '14 thinking, "he'll be nearly 2 when these works have finished"
Who knows, he could be driving!


9,212 posts

179 months

Friday 1st April 2016
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DJT said:
eybic said:
I remember driving to pick up my newly born Son in November '14 thinking, "he'll be nearly 2 when these works have finished"
Who knows, he could be driving!


8,577 posts

242 months

Friday 1st April 2016
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DJT said:
eybic said:
I remember driving to pick up my newly born Son in November '14 thinking, "he'll be nearly 2 when these works have finished"
Who knows, he could be driving!
By the time the works have finished, he won't be driving.

He'll be in a Tesla 3 on autopilot.


Original Poster:

11,186 posts

155 months

Friday 1st April 2016
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I think the thing that annoys me more than anything about this extension is the "spin" that's being put on it.
Are they really trying to have us believe that halfway through a project, which had presumably been planned by "planning professionals" that someone suddenly said, "hang on lads, I've got a great idea!"
Of course not, the project is running behind time, and they came up with this to make us feel that they are doing is a massive favour.


3,633 posts

200 months

Saturday 2nd April 2016
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Trevatanus said:
I think the thing that annoys me more than anything about this extension is the "spin" that's being put on it.
Are they really trying to have us believe that halfway through a project, which had presumably been planned by "planning professionals" that someone suddenly said, "hang on lads, I've got a great idea!"
Of course not, the project is running behind time, and they came up with this to make us feel that they are doing is a massive favour.
Someone at last thinking outside of the box.. smile

Should have just left the fking M3 alone.
wait till (well if) the Thiefrow expansion goes ahead.. !!
Years of M25 and everywhere for 30 miles radius misery will happen
Don't get me started on HS2 who the fk needs an express rail link - upgrade what's already there.
Tory spin on the lot. wkers

Mr Tidy

23,767 posts

132 months

Saturday 2nd April 2016
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I'm in a good mood tonight!

But I won't comment on the M3 F*ck-up (ooops, just gave a clue)!

Anyway based on the previous post I could confirm it is all a load of b*llocks - must have been some tax-payers' generosity looking for a home before the next financial year-end!!

How many Motorways does this part of the UK have? 2% for 10+% of the population on a good day? - FFS build some more, Tw*ts!!!!

We don't need another f*cking North/South railway; most normal voters will never use it, although it may be useful for the snout in the trough pigs we elect by accident/default to enable them to appear from time to time in the areas they claim to represent! Especially as we will pay for it in their expenses!

Those of us who fund this sort of nonsense with no say about how it is implemented may not be impressed!!!

I'm getting on a bit - I may see the M3 J4 to J2 without roadworks finished before I die, but will never ever see it with a 70 limit again (based on my experience of the M25 J12 to J10 variable stretch policed by the misery officers who just like to see it f*cked-up every day)!

Bracknell Forest is a F*cking miserable sh*thole to live in (wish my MP Dr Phillip Lee had to experience this, but he doubtless lives elsewhere) as I would if I had an income like his!!!!!


2,843 posts

167 months

Wednesday 13th April 2016
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DJT said:

2 1/4 years was already too long. So basically, it's going to take nearly as half as long as WWII to re-tarmac a hard shoulder, erect some LED signs and re-paint the lines. (Strange analogy I know, but I can't help thinking about all the amazing infrastructure feats achieved when there was a will and means to do so). Now we seem to undertake these infrastructure projects with a kind of hobbyist attitude - we'll get a bit done when time allows. Depressing.
They have to spend an hour at the start of each shift reading through the risk assessments and method statements, then it's tea break. It's how we work these days. Keep up!


Original Poster:

11,186 posts

155 months

Wednesday 13th April 2016
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krisdelta said:
Wonderful news.. it can make or break a journey so much that I now avoid it at all costs (and I live 2 miles from junction 4a) and go cross country to the M25 at Chertsey.
You fell into the trap.
About 5 years ago there was a high level DOT meeting:

"Lads, how can we sort out the traffic issues on the M3"
"Let's spend £134 million pounds pretending to improve it, but drag out the job so long people start to avoid it like the plague, and get used to using other routes, thereby making it less busy when we eventually finish"
"Good idea! That's settled then. Is it lunch time yet?"


6,759 posts

210 months

Thursday 14th April 2016
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anonymous said:
Not always the case. The contractor will know that they couldn't have met the demands very early on so would have put in as many hurdles so they can legitimately overun and not be fined. A reliable friend who deals with company's like Contain etc say the practise is rife. Playing up to H and S setpoints and working the system in place. Personally speaking I think the industry needs a reworking. To many morons who didn't try hard in life because they were lazy. Now labouring because it's all these social parasites can do. Of course they are lazy and lackadaisical, it's all they know

Disclaimer I don't actually think they are parasites. They are s though.


231 posts

166 months

Monday 18th April 2016
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I had the usual misfortune to recently get caught in a jam for the length of the northbound roadworks. A repeating sight was one employeee in a digger/roller/etc. along with three hi-viz clad employees and maybe a clipboard or two watching. That's a 300% H&S overhead for many activities.

Worse still, down near J4/J4a there was a crew of workers boarding a minibus to take them to their part of the site to start work. We pretty much travelled the length of the roadworks side-by-side. Me queueing, them navigating men in diggers with their associated fan clubs/groupies.

Now, bear in mind I was held up in that section for nearly an hour (09:00 - 10:00). So it took the van crew the best part of that to get to their place of work. I can only assume that, come 15:00 they need to start getting ready for the return trip!

Vlad the Imp

196 posts

188 months

Tuesday 19th April 2016
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DJT said:
Worse still, down near J4/J4a there was a crew of workers boarding a minibus to take them to their part of the site to start work. We pretty much travelled the length of the roadworks side-by-side. Me queueing, them navigating men in diggers with their associated fan clubs/groupies.

Now, bear in mind I was held up in that section for nearly an hour (09:00 - 10:00). So it took the van crew the best part of that to get to their place of work. I can only assume that, come 15:00 they need to start getting ready for the return trip!
This is the whole reason why it's taking so long to do the work. If we could shut the motorway for say 4 months and get the job done all the contractors would be happy, however I suspect the public might have some objections to that approach. Most of the work as actually being done at night as it's the only time we can move the traffic management, close a few more lanes and get enough room to do some work.

As for the comments about it being the contractor's fault that the end date has dropped back, I suspect that it has rather more to do with the fact that the scope of works has changed.