Free Granite work surface, collection, Send, Woking

Free Granite work surface, collection, Send, Woking


spurs coupe

Original Poster:

294 posts

185 months

Saturday 25th July 2015
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As title

Just ripped this out of my kitchen, if no-one wants it, it will be used as the base of my patio on Monday.


spurs coupe

Original Poster:

294 posts

185 months

Saturday 25th July 2015
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Forgot the dimensions!


narrow breakfast bar = 193cm long, 30cm deep (some is not bevelled)

sink length = 220cm long, 60cm deep (complete with grooves for draining)

single drawer and cupboard unit top = 41cm wide, 59.5cm deep


1,233 posts

194 months

Saturday 25th July 2015
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Hi Spurs would I able to take it from you??? I have a bar at the end of my garden and it would look pukka in there!


spurs coupe

Original Poster:

294 posts

185 months

Saturday 25th July 2015
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BlackCup said:
Hi Spurs would I able to take it from you??? I have a bar at the end of my garden and it would look pukka in there!

Yeah great, il try and send you my number


1,233 posts

194 months

Saturday 25th July 2015
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Thanks a lot PM sent

spurs coupe

Original Poster:

294 posts

185 months

Saturday 25th July 2015
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text sent

spurs coupe

Original Poster:

294 posts

185 months

Sunday 15th January 2017
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Saw you at Morrisons last week (remember the BMWs number plate!)

Did you ever get it fitted?