Need an architect/draughtsman - Godalming/Guildford

Need an architect/draughtsman - Godalming/Guildford



Original Poster:

1,051 posts

202 months

Tuesday 9th December 2014
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Planning an extension for next year and need drawings for planning and building regs.

The OHs family are all builders so they've helped us 'design' what we want and more importantly made sure it'll be easy/cheap to build.

What I need is someone to translate this into a drawing that will be accepted for planning and later building regs.

So far I've had one quote which seems excessive, based on the hourly rate they quoted they seem to be saying it's going to take 7 days to complete - I'm fairly certain I could knock out the planning drawing by hand given 3-4 days, so I would expect a pro do to so much quicker.

Anyway, getting to the point, can anyone recommend someone around Haslemere/Godalming/Guildford that might be able to tackle this?


42,678 posts

275 months

Tuesday 9th December 2014
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Original Poster:

1,051 posts

202 months

Tuesday 9th December 2014
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Vixpy1 said:
Looks promising, thanks!


1 posts

98 months

Thursday 26th January 2017
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Hi Grumbas,
I'm looking at getting some work done on my house in Godalming and was wondering how you got on with this chap?
Thanks a lot,


8,295 posts

220 months

Friday 10th February 2017
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My father is a former VP of the RIBA and President of the ACA, living in Guildford and still does some architectural bits and pieces... Talking about starting a small consultancy at the moment.

He's retired but would probably value some extra income as he has a young (2nd) family if anyone was looking for some 'expert' input. I doubt he'd be 'expensive', despite his credentials, as it's more for the love these days.

He has also just had permission (building is underway) for a large extension in Guildford, making his house the largest on the street, so has some good insight to the local planning regs etc.

We grew up in Godalming (where his practice was) so knows the areas well.

Any interest; let me know!