Car storage around Reading



Original Poster:

854 posts

149 months

Thursday 6th June 2013
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Does anyone have any recommendations regarding car storage arrangements in Reading or close? What about experiences in moving in and out of storage? As in treat it like it was garaged over week periods, take it out for a w/e and then back. The storage arrangement could be on a continuous basis if that makes sense. So monthly or yearly rent payment.

Ta much


7,127 posts

216 months

Friday 7th June 2013
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I may be able to help chap as I run a car storage business, I was going to msg you directly but alas your profile won't accept emails being sent.

I'm 46 miles away (1hr both via Car/Train from Reading) and have an arrangement with 2 London based clients for a similar service...So while they're busy working during the week the cars kept indoors & secure, they can either train down from Victoria to Redhill (30min) or I have the car transported up to them at their cost on a Friday afternoon and then picked up again Sunday evening/Monday morning.

Bill is a monthly invoice to them. Storage tends to start from £20-25 per week...But if it's a high value vehicle the weekly cost will be more.

Hope that helps as a guide at least...If the location works for you though, do let me know.


3,208 posts

239 months

Friday 7th June 2013
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Does it have to be covered or OK left in the open

A fried of mine had a secure open car pound just outside Camberley
You can email me for more detils if you wish


3,753 posts

266 months

Friday 7th June 2013
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Richard Thorne do it and are not far out of Reading but speak to them about access, I've used them twice and the first time they were a bit iffy about access, the second time a car was there for 6 Weeks and I didn't need access,

Alternatively there's one just North of J13 M4,

Did get a price but haven't used them, again talk to them about access and check your insurance, I'm not sure the owner lives onsite


200 posts

156 months

Friday 7th June 2013
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I've also stored two of mine at Richard Thorne with no trouble at all. They do like a little bit of notice when it comes to getting them out but we're only talking a day or so. I've had them take one out with only a couple of hours notice before but that was down to poor planning on my part. They're a good bunch too - always happy to have a chat. The Morgans themselves are a little too tempting though...


Original Poster:

854 posts

149 months

Friday 7th June 2013
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Many thanks for all your answers. Looks like I have a few options smile. At the moment I'm just exploring alternatives in case my current parking arrangements force me to move. Wouldn't want to park on the street. My car may not have a huge commercial value but it has a lot of sentimental one. Again, many thanks.


1,188 posts

295 months

Sunday 9th June 2013
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I used Safestore on Cow Lane in Reading for many years keeping a few Lambo's in there. 24 hour access and secure so it was ideal for me - another option maybe


Original Poster:

854 posts

149 months

Sunday 9th June 2013
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Craig said:
I used Safestore on Cow Lane in Reading for many years keeping a few Lambo's in there. 24 hour access and secure so it was ideal for me - another option maybe
Sounds great. Walking distance from where I live too smile


1 posts

96 months

Wednesday 29th March 2017
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I have used a storage container facility to store my car and bike on Richfield Avenue with easy 24 hrs access and CCTV. Http://

Edited by AcademyCar on Wednesday 29th March 09:52