Droids in our area.........have you been spotted or worse!

Droids in our area.........have you been spotted or worse!



Original Poster:

1,258 posts

272 months

Monday 11th March 2013
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Looks like we have our very own cycling droid in our area, anyone famous in his videos....



463 posts

196 months

Monday 11th March 2013
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Have these people got nothing better to do? They really get on my wick mad


Original Poster:

1,258 posts

272 months

Monday 11th March 2013
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Everyone else in the wrong!

I overtook a cyclist (this one I think!) and he stopped to put his main beam on my car further down the road ( I was parked!) anyway thought I would find him on you-tube, not featured yet though. He even had a go at a cop car parked at a Red light for being in the bike area at the front of the queue.

Anyway I expect a few of us will have passed him on our daily commutes.

Where do they find the time, does he think his some sort of policeman or something.... I am not anti cyclists at all but this stuff can't help!


6,827 posts

184 months

Monday 11th March 2013
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Didn't see myself spotted, but then I try to keep well out of their way since you never know where they are going to veer next. Of course cyclists are never in the wrong (even the ones I see passing a red light)rolleyes

If you see him in the TVR, pass widely, then drop it down a gear and floor it; maybe the sound will deafen him. hehe


15,821 posts

239 months

Tuesday 12th March 2013
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TBH I can't see why you are all having a go at him. I'd have been pissed off if that tt in a 106 had done that to me on my bike or even I my car. Most of these guys just seem like a few drivers who just lose it on the road a lot, except when things happen for them its a lot more serious potentially.

I'm not a road cyclist and have no reason to stick up for these guys but its hard not to see their general point even if some do ride like idiots - at least they're not clogging up roads with their cars.


1,183 posts

157 months

Tuesday 12th March 2013
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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cvGSb6CnmDQ&lis... 0:11 he's cycling on the pavment...which I'm pretty sure is illegal !


3,835 posts

266 months

Tuesday 12th March 2013
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OK – can I interject before this turns into an ‘all cyclists are satanic, tree-hugging, law breaking, kiddie fiddlers’ thread!

I cycle a lot, in fact I did over 6k miles last year and am already up to 1.3k miles this year – almost all of them in or around the Thames Valley (keep yours eye peeled for a middle aged bloke breathing through his arse wearing a PH jersey – chances are it’s me). In all of those miles I never (knowingly) ran a red light, rode on the pavement, or intentionally pi@@ed off other road users!

Knobjanglers exist in all walks of life - fact, some drive cars, some ride bikes, some walk, some drink in the same pub as you, I bet you work with a couple as well!

Truth of the matter is being a isn’t restricted to a single form of transport, it is a character trait – truth be known other cyclists hate two wheeled vigil antis with camera’s as much as any other road users. God knows why they do it, but at least seeing a camera on someone’s bonce gives you warning that they are likely to be looking for a fight, or any reason to post up a 30 second video to youtube proving how hard done by they are, and how close they come to being flattened on a daily basis! (it would never occur to them that their road positioning could be questionable...)

Next time you see a lycra lout spinning along at the side of the road take a nano-second to consider that they might not fit the stereotype and might not be a total arse, they might be a middle aged chap who is married with two kids, who cycles because they enjoy it, it keeps them fit, they enjoy the competitive element of cycling events, and they are actually a reasonably nice chap……..

On the other hand they might be a satanic, tree-hugging, law breaking, kiddie fiddler – in which case ‘as you were’………


6,827 posts

184 months

Tuesday 12th March 2013
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The thing is, as you rightly say, that you don't know which variant you are approaching, hence why I tend to give them all a wide berth since they can change direction a lot quicker than me. You don't tend to notice/remember the ones that are just getting on with cycling sensibly, it's the idiots that stand out (and I see plenty since I often have to drive around Oxford). I'll bet though that this chap isn't perfect (who is, apart from me of course wink ) and I wonder how he would take to someone putting up a video of his misdemeanors on Youtube?

Furry Exocet

3,011 posts

186 months

Tuesday 12th March 2013
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MadDad said:
OK – can I interject before this turns into an ‘all cyclists are satanic, tree-hugging, law breaking, kiddie fiddlers’ thread!

I cycle a lot, in fact I did over 6k miles last year and am already up to 1.3k miles this year – almost all of them in or around the Thames Valley (keep yours eye peeled for a middle aged bloke breathing through his arse wearing a PH jersey – chances are it’s me). In all of those miles I never (knowingly) ran a red light, rode on the pavement, or intentionally pi@@ed off other road users!

Knobjanglers exist in all walks of life - fact, some drive cars, some ride bikes, some walk, some drink in the same pub as you, I bet you work with a couple as well!

Truth of the matter is being a isn’t restricted to a single form of transport, it is a character trait – truth be known other cyclists hate two wheeled vigil antis with camera’s as much as any other road users. God knows why they do it, but at least seeing a camera on someone’s bonce gives you warning that they are likely to be looking for a fight, or any reason to post up a 30 second video to youtube proving how hard done by they are, and how close they come to being flattened on a daily basis! (it would never occur to them that their road positioning could be questionable...)

Next time you see a lycra lout spinning along at the side of the road take a nano-second to consider that they might not fit the stereotype and might not be a total arse, they might be a middle aged chap who is married with two kids, who cycles because they enjoy it, it keeps them fit, they enjoy the competitive element of cycling events, and they are actually a reasonably nice chap……..

On the other hand they might be a satanic, tree-hugging, law breaking, kiddie fiddler – in which case ‘as you were’………
What he said.
The guy in the car clearly hadn't seen the cyclist when he pulled out of the junction.
I came off at the weekend and was quite pleased the car behind was paying attention and didn't run me over as I bounced along the road minus my bike!


52,521 posts

289 months

Tuesday 12th March 2013
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Furry Exocet said:
What he said. The guy in the car clearly hadn't seen the cyclist when he pulled out of the junction.
But this guy's clearly got an issue, using phrases like "control the lane" and "BMW = Better Make Way", why not let the car go first, it's going to accelerate a damn sight quicker than your bike! And what's with continually holding up his thumb and forefinger to demonstrate how small his knob is, seems odd? And shouldn'nt he be careful of pedestrians instead of berating them? Who knows the old boy might be partially sighted and not have seen the Woodley Wonder bearing down on him at 20 mph. rolleyes


3,835 posts

266 months

Tuesday 12th March 2013
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RichB said:
Furry Exocet said:
What he said. The guy in the car clearly hadn't seen the cyclist when he pulled out of the junction.
But this guy's clearly got an issue, using phrases like "control the lane" and "BMW = Better Make Way", why not let the car go first, it's going to accelerate a damn sight quicker than your bike! And what's with continually holding up his thumb and forefinger to demonstrate how small his knob is, seems odd? And shouldn'nt he be careful of pedestrians instead of berating them? Who knows the old boy might be partially sighted and not have seen the Woodley Wonder bearing down on him at 20 mph. rolleyes
I think we are in violent agreement that the bloke on the bike is one of life's angry people, just so happens that he rides a bike!


14,180 posts

187 months

Tuesday 12th March 2013
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BrightYellowTVR said:
Looks like we have our very own cycling droid in our area, anyone famous in his videos....

That particular one, he was very much right to protest. I've kicked a car who didn't see or hear me and did that exact same thing. And no, before you get all upset, it didn't leave a dent, just made a noise audible inside the car so the tt driving didn't run me off the road.

A lot of his stuff is ridiculous though. He certainly has some issues.


508 posts

200 months

Tuesday 12th March 2013
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RichB said:
But this guy's clearly got an issue, using phrases like "control the lane" and "BMW = Better Make Way", why not let the car go first, it's going to accelerate a damn sight quicker than your bike! And what's with continually holding up his thumb and forefinger to demonstrate how small his knob is, seems odd? And shouldn'nt he be careful of pedestrians instead of berating them? Who knows the old boy might be partially sighted and not have seen the Woodley Wonder bearing down on him at 20 mph. rolleyes
And from the camera angle we can't see if the cyclist signalled..

John D.

18,369 posts

214 months

Tuesday 12th March 2013
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That 106 was dodgy as hell. He couldn't have timed that worse if he tried!

Furry Exocet

3,011 posts

186 months

Tuesday 12th March 2013
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RichB said:
But this guy's clearly got an issue, using phrases like "control the lane" and "BMW = Better Make Way", why not let the car go first, it's going to accelerate a damn sight quicker than your bike! And what's with continually holding up his thumb and forefinger to demonstrate how small his knob is, seems odd? And shouldn'nt he be careful of pedestrians instead of berating them? Who knows the old boy might be partially sighted and not have seen the Woodley Wonder bearing down on him at 20 mph. rolleyes
I think we can all agree that the guy is a dick, but in that clip the car driver was at fault and either didn't see him, or didn't give a st. I haven't looked at his other videos, but I have seen the type before and they are generally made by morons biggrin


52,521 posts

289 months

Tuesday 12th March 2013
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No question, I totally agree guys, the 106 was bang out of order...


Original Poster:

1,258 posts

272 months

Tuesday 12th March 2013
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HereBeMonsters said:
BrightYellowTVR said:
Looks like we have our very own cycling droid in our area, anyone famous in his videos....

That particular one, he was very much right to protest. I've kicked a car who didn't see or hear me and did that exact same thing. And no, before you get all upset, it didn't leave a dent, just made a noise audible inside the car so the tt driving didn't run me off the road.

A lot of his stuff is ridiculous though. He certainly has some issues.
Yes I agree the 106 was in the wrong no question., I am also a cyclist so not anti cycling in anyway or trying to start an anti cycling thread here.. BUT I agree with the comments that this guy seems to be an eccentric cyclist, note he does drive and videos that as well, not had time to watch those yet.

It was more of a heads up to see if any of us have featured smile


8,581 posts

195 months

Tuesday 12th March 2013
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I totally agree that the 106 was in the wrong, however a militant cyclist is rather comical.

I've seen many cyclist abuse motorists in quite a harsh manor for very minor things that didn't really effect the cyclist at all hehe......Bracknell seems to be the home of the local millitant cyclist mafia.


463 posts

196 months

Tuesday 12th March 2013
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Most cyclists I see never obey the highway code. Here are a just a few examples of complete idiotic cyclists I've seen just this week - excuse the rant ranting

One went straight through a red light at a very busy junction in Hammersmith yesterday.
I've counted three not wearing safety hats.
Six separate riders with no visible lights on their bike (at around 7pm)
Two not wearing high visibility clothing (at dusk)
One riding without lights and wearing black clothes (at night)
Riding three-abreast Sunday morning, and not moving to a single file making it safer to let me by.

The guy driving the 106 pulling out into the path of the cyclist in the video is an absolute moron, however, I have not time for careless cyclists what so ever. Riding round with a cameras strapped to their head, kicking car doors and cursing at every car who they think is driving without care and attention, needs to go away and grow up. Grrr....furious

MX-5 Lazza

7,952 posts

224 months

Wednesday 13th March 2013
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edar said:
I've counted three not wearing safety hats
Two not wearing high visibility clothing (at dusk)
Both stupid but not breaking any laws.

edar said:
Riding three-abreast Sunday morning, and not moving to a single file making it safer to let me by.
Again, stupid but not breaking any laws. The highway code advises against it but it also states that you should give cyclists as much space as a small car so it shouldn't make any difference so a car driver trying to pass.

As for the cyclist saying that he has to control the lane for a while - I'd do that too on that stretch of road. When there are parked cars either side leaving a narrow lane you really don't want idiot car drivers trying to pass you and forcing you to cycle close to parked cars. I've seen the result of someone opening their car door without checking for cyclist and it wasn't pretty.

I am a fair-weather cyclist but only off-road. I avoid cycling on roads as much as possible as I just don't think it's safe enough these days. There are too many idiot drivers around that just don't give enough thought to cyclists.