Surrey CC A30 speed limits Windlesham to Bagshot

Surrey CC A30 speed limits Windlesham to Bagshot



9,109 posts

181 months

Monday 15th January
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jacko84 said:
UTH said:
Frimley111R said:
TheRainMaker said:
jacko84 said:
As a resident of Bagshot, it was unfortunately the older residents that proposed the 30mph limit on the A30. There was a bit of backlash however the new speed limit was introduced a few weeks ago. It hasn't made a slightest bit of difference to the speed of people along the A30, probably because it was a totally pointless exercise!
I was going to say the same thing: absolutely no one is paying any attention to the new speed limit.
Yep, +1, honestly I pay zero attention to the limits because I can work out what is too fast and what isn't. It's not as if local councils are awash with money!
Do you not worry about camera vans/police/under cover cars?
I find I'm just so paranoid these days, assume that any car I approach is a cop, or there's going to be a van around every corner. Not that I really need to be, I've only got 3 points which expire this year, and I don't do many miles really, but it does ruin my fun in my bright green/yellow fun cars that I'm basically too paranoid to actually have any 'fun' in them.
Thankfully there arent many places for a van to stop without it being visable from a way off, i also have Waze on 90% of the time which hopefully will warn me of anything coming up
Maybe I need to lighten up a bit and also trust Waze. My most common journey is going from my place to my Dad's, must have done it hundreds if not thousands of times now, and I think I've seen a van fewer than 5 times. So maybe I can allow myself to relax a bit and try and enjoy some parts of the drive....famous last words no doubt.


8,083 posts

216 months

Thursday 28th March
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AlexRS2782 said:
...The positioning of the new 40 / 50 signage that's been installed at The Jolly Farmer indicates the remainder of the A30 remains 50 (although it's evidently set for review / lowering later in the year).
Well, that didn't take long. The yellow "Have Your Say / Upcoming Proposal" signs went up on Wednesday. Basically it's to sign off the lowering of the remaining 50 stretch on the A30 to 40. No point objecting as it WILL go through regardless as it's being pushed through by Surrey Borough Council (Conservative) who have overruled Surrey Heath (Lib Dem) using their newly aquired devolved powers (given to them by Sunak / Hunt) to say that they now control all decisions regarding highways (so taken away from local / parish councils) within Surrey (shame they're not using those powers to sort the crater potholes out though).

Edited by AlexRS2782 on Thursday 28th March 00:26


15,745 posts

237 months

Thursday 28th March
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AlexRS2782 said:
AlexRS2782 said:
...The positioning of the new 40 / 50 signage that's been installed at The Jolly Farmer indicates the remainder of the A30 remains 50 (although it's evidently set for review / lowering later in the year).
Well, that didn't take long. The yellow "Have Your Say / Upcoming Proposal" signs went up on Wednesday. Basically it's to sign off the lowering of the remaining 50 stretch on the A30 to 40. No point objecting as it WILL go through regardless as it's being pushed through by Surrey Borough Council (Conservative) who have overruled Surrey Heath (Lib Dem) using their newly aquired devolved powers (given to them by Sunak / Hunt) to say that they now control all decisions regarding highways (so taken away from local / parish councils) within Surrey (shame they're not using those powers to sort the crater potholes out though).

Edited by AlexRS2782 on Thursday 28th March 00:26
I drive that stretch a lot and I have never paid attention to any speed limit. it's all totally pointless changing it as there are hardly any accidents there and the amount of traffic dictates the speed you can do anyway. At least if people do 40 it's easier to overtake them wink

I was arguing with a local councillor online about wasting money on this stuff but he just kept coming back with 'If it stops one accident/saves one l;ife...etc' Well then ban all motor vehicles of put 10mph blanket limits in then.


19 posts

100 months

Thursday 28th March
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Frimley111R said:
AlexRS2782 said:
AlexRS2782 said:
...The positioning of the new 40 / 50 signage that's been installed at The Jolly Farmer indicates the remainder of the A30 remains 50 (although it's evidently set for review / lowering later in the year).
Well, that didn't take long. The yellow "Have Your Say / Upcoming Proposal" signs went up on Wednesday. Basically it's to sign off the lowering of the remaining 50 stretch on the A30 to 40. No point objecting as it WILL go through regardless as it's being pushed through by Surrey Borough Council (Conservative) who have overruled Surrey Heath (Lib Dem) using their newly aquired devolved powers (given to them by Sunak / Hunt) to say that they now control all decisions regarding highways (so taken away from local / parish councils) within Surrey (shame they're not using those powers to sort the crater potholes out though).

Edited by AlexRS2782 on Thursday 28th March 00:26
I drive that stretch a lot and I have never paid attention to any speed limit. it's all totally pointless changing it as there are hardly any accidents there and the amount of traffic dictates the speed you can do anyway. At least if people do 40 it's easier to overtake them wink

I was arguing with a local councillor online about wasting money on this stuff but he just kept coming back with 'If it stops one accident/saves one l;ife...etc' Well then ban all motor vehicles of put 10mph blanket limits in then.
100% agree with the above ! Any objections seem to be ignored. Surrey County Council seem to be on a mission to lower limits everywhere with no real hard evidence of the need for a change. A look on the "SurreySays" website,where these proposals are published, searching for "speed" in the search box brings up a long list of proposals for speed limit reductions across Surrey. The reasons are often pretty weak and seem be the same across many proposals, ie "..following residents concerns...", "..more people waking and cycling since the pandemic..."

Many of the proposals in Surrey Heath seem to be being pushed by one of the councillors (Conservative) who, as he's a county councillor seems to have the ear of those in county hall. A few months back in one of his weekly newsletters on the topic of road safety he suggested; " below the speed limit and be happy that you are holding up the impatient driver behind you..." ! That's the kind of entrenched mindset that seems to prevail !