Whos up for a meet in April?

Whos up for a meet in April?



5,111 posts

287 months

Sunday 29th February 2004
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Bah .. the mail I sent bounced back. Will give them a bell in the week



5,186 posts

247 months

Monday 1st March 2004
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Edt, what e mail address did you have - i got this one - twmsjo@smtp.ntrust.org.uk

Also, a couple of phone numbers for Waddesdon Manor -
01296 653226
01296 653 208



Original Poster:

13,387 posts

256 months

Monday 1st March 2004
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puggit said:
Having seen your profile pmanson, I have one thing to say!


Tell her to update the shirt though

That was a fancy dress night out. (Footballers and their wifes or something). She's from Brighton! Don't think shes ever heard of watford


5,111 posts

287 months

Monday 1st March 2004
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1st step complete.. just spoke to a most pleasant gal at W Manor.. guess what.. she owns a Chimaera !



Original Poster:

13,387 posts

256 months

Monday 1st March 2004
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Edt said:
1st step complete.. just spoke to a most pleasant gal at W Manor.. guess what.. she owns a Chimaera !


Sounds good. If you need any help contact me through my profile and i'll give you a hand.


5,111 posts

287 months

Monday 1st March 2004
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pmanson said:

Edt said:
1st step complete.. just spoke to a most pleasant gal at W Manor.. guess what.. she owns a Chimaera !


Sounds good. If you need any help contact me through my profile and i'll give you a hand.

Just spoke the the right person - Kim Hallett - who tells me they cap to 2 car events a year, and already have 2 in the calendar. Also to use the grounds they like a guaranteed 'big turnout' ie 50+ shiny cars as it draws the public in. So , we'd better choose somewhere else this time, sorry to report.

Meanwhile I might suggest the venue to the TVRCC & see if they want to organise something pukka



9,457 posts

255 months

Monday 1st March 2004
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What are the 2 events on this year? Could we gatecrash


5,111 posts

287 months

Monday 1st March 2004
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I've asked a buddy, who likes his beer & his motors, to put his thinking cap on & suggest a good venue



Original Poster:

13,387 posts

256 months

Monday 1st March 2004
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trooper1212 said:
What are the 2 events on this year? Could we gatecrash

There was an Aston Martin one the other summer


1,619 posts

287 months

Tuesday 2nd March 2004
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How about taking over the car park up at Dunsmore, bit of a rough surface but a fair amount of space, nice location and the roads to it are big fun (just watch out for the security patrols from the Chequers)


5,111 posts

287 months

Tuesday 2nd March 2004
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What is it at Dunsmore ?



7,916 posts

258 months

Tuesday 2nd March 2004
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What about talking to TopCats?

They have a large area next to their workshops and they're just down the road in Westcott.

I'm sure they'd like to meet a few more TVR owners as they might get some work out of it.

When i was last at home i popped in and they were incredibly friendly


5,111 posts

287 months

Tuesday 2nd March 2004
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rico said:
What about talking to TopCats?

They have a large area next to their workshops and they're just down the road in Westcott.

I'm sure they'd like to meet a few more TVR owners as they might get some work out of it.

When i was last at home i popped in and they were incredibly friendly

Hmmm.. agree they're a good crowd.. but it's in the middle of a windy, cold, sheep filled, bleak ex military base & there's not a lot to do (unless you're really into sheep). Let's find a nice big pub !?


(hang on, just remembered I'm half Welsh...)


9,457 posts

255 months

Tuesday 2nd March 2004
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Topcats already have an open day planned for june/july, so you could always do that as well...


7,916 posts

258 months

Tuesday 2nd March 2004
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There is the Plough and Anchor, and the Crooked Billet on the A41 in Kingswood. Easy to find. Whichever pub is on the Grendon side has a biggish carpark and they do fantastic(!!!!) food at both pubs.

Just a suggestion to throw into the equation.


Original Poster:

13,387 posts

256 months

Tuesday 2nd March 2004
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Wendover Woods? Plenty of parking.

Would be great if we get good weather (Good backdrop for photos)

No pub though!


5,111 posts

287 months

Tuesday 2nd March 2004
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rico said:
There is the Plough and Anchor, and the Crooked Billet on the A41 in Kingswood. Easy to find. Whichever pub is on the Grendon side has a biggish carpark and they do fantastic(!!!!) food at both pubs.

Just a suggestion to throw into the equation.

Been to that one on 41.. used to live 1 in from there.. yup food good & car park OK too. What ya reckon guys shall we choose this as our venue ?!

Just a matter of fixing a date.. always the tricky bit



716 posts

256 months

Wednesday 3rd March 2004
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Sounds good to me, and those of us who have promised their better halves a day out a Waddesdon Manor can go there afterwards

(The long way of course!! )


5,186 posts

247 months

Wednesday 3rd March 2004
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Sounds good to me. I'm not bothered where we go as long as there is a good drive in a convoy of nice cars involved


5,111 posts

287 months

Wednesday 3rd March 2004
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Right.. so it's that pubb on the A41 then (going past that way this weekend so will stop & have a poke around to make sure still all OK).

Now then fellas.. how about 17 th or 18th April ? (Sat, Sun)
