Is it time to organise Thames Valley Meet 2???

Is it time to organise Thames Valley Meet 2???



Original Poster:

13,387 posts

256 months

Wednesday 30th June 2004
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Morning All,

Very good turn out again! Nice to meet you properly this time Gaz.

Guy, the way Edt sent you must have been the slow way as I came out in front of you (in Marlow I think), you then followed me all the way upto the motorway and I left about 5/10mins after you!

I've got a few pics to be uploaded later on tonight when I get home from work.


5,111 posts

287 months

Wednesday 30th June 2004
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Guy likes disturbing golfers/cricketers etc.. it was the best way for him



Original Poster:

13,387 posts

256 months

Wednesday 30th June 2004
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Edt said:
Guy likes disturbing golfers/cricketers etc.. it was the best way for him


I think he must have woken half the neighbourhood up!


716 posts

256 months

Wednesday 30th June 2004
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pmanson said:

Edt said:
Guy likes disturbing golfers/cricketers etc.. it was the best way for him


I think he must have woken half the neighbourhood up!

Disgraceful - mind you that road was very 'squeaky'!


Original Poster:

13,387 posts

256 months

Wednesday 30th June 2004
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jonnie5 said:

pmanson said:

Edt said:
Guy likes disturbing golfers/cricketers etc.. it was the best way for him


I think he must have woken half the neighbourhood up!

Disgraceful - mind you that road was very 'squeaky'!

You weren't that quiet yourself!


716 posts

256 months

Wednesday 30th June 2004
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pmanson said:

jonnie5 said:

pmanson said:

Edt said:
Guy likes disturbing golfers/cricketers etc.. it was the best way for him


I think he must have woken half the neighbourhood up!

Disgraceful - mind you that road was very 'squeaky'!

You weren't that quiet yourself!

Hence the

Good to see you again last night Phil.

Rico - looking forward to the movie!


5,111 posts

287 months

Wednesday 30th June 2004
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yup come on rico hurry up.. !



3,114 posts

275 months

Wednesday 30th June 2004
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Get on with the brunters vid.


7,916 posts

258 months

Wednesday 30th June 2004
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Edt said:
yup come on rico hurry up.. !


give me time man!

I've got a few hours before work. I'll try to get an unedited version up before 5.


7,916 posts

258 months

Wednesday 30th June 2004
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any suggestions for music? Thinking some very high volume Metallica to go with the black look of the Ultima... might not be able to hear the Ultima but you don't mind do you?

(just kidding... the soundtrack is going to be a lot of V8 engines this time )


1,371 posts

252 months

Wednesday 30th June 2004
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Good to meet you all last night.

Who's going to start the next meeting thread then!


7,916 posts

258 months

Wednesday 30th June 2004
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Video edited up, just burning to a cdr now to copy onto this computer.

Got footage of most of the cars leaving. Few of the TVRs make... eerr.... well.... enthusiastic departures!

Guy's Ultima sounds great and i got Gaz on film just after his chase.

Will upload it asap

Happy now Ed?



1,167 posts

285 months

Wednesday 30th June 2004
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It was good to meet up. The British summertime tried to cool things off, but the V8's soon warmed the atmosphere.

Roll on the next one.

The drive home was pretty good too.


7,916 posts

258 months

Wednesday 30th June 2004
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Here's the pics i've uploaded. As always, email me via my profile if you want the full sized version. The video is uploading now (10mb over 56k) so shouldn't be too much longer.


7,916 posts

258 months

Wednesday 30th June 2004
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My connection is playing up here but i'll try to upload the video tonight when i get home from work.

Sorry about the delay

I HATE 56K!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


172 posts

248 months

Wednesday 30th June 2004
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farmeryellow said:
It was a good night and the drive home was even better.. Andy (green Chim) hope you enjoyed the sound track back to Oxford.

>> Edited by farmeryellow on Wednesday 30th June 10:08

Sounded good from where I was sitting !! Shame I couldn't hear my own car....despite trying VERY hard to make some noise !!

Justin S

3,651 posts

264 months

Wednesday 30th June 2004
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Sorry all,couldn't make it.The wifes car decided to dump diesel all up the tarmac drive and spent the night( to no avail) trying to clean it all up.Does anyone know what to use to get it out of tarmac.Path and driveway cleaner doesn't move it :-(


7,916 posts

258 months

Wednesday 30th June 2004
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gubbs said:
I've been trying in vain to embed some pictures from last night, I can see them when I preview but not when I post... I've tried using the formatting codes and img tags but neither work,



If you click 'reply' on my post you'll see the formatting codes i use. Simply [img]blah.jpg[/img ] without the space.

If you're still stuck email me the link to the photos and i'll post them


22 posts

252 months

Wednesday 30th June 2004
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Thanks rico, that's cracked it!

Thanks, I had a good night, although it seems I left too early!! Looking forward to the next one

Here's a couple of pictures.. if you want full size let me know

>> Edited by gubbs on Wednesday 30th June 23:13


5,111 posts

287 months

Thursday 1st July 2004
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nice snaps gubbs
